
If you are interested in serving on Standing Committees or Task Forces, please contact the NAP office. NAP makes every effort to ensure interprofessional composition of each of our committees with representation from all or most of our Academies.

  • Forum Planning Committee - strives to create an engaging and impactful learning experience for attendees of the Annual Meeting & Forum by managing abstract submissions, identifying dynamic keynote speakers, coordinating networking activities, and organizing a service project to support the local community.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration Committee - seeks to foster cross-academy collaboration by leveraging the expertise of NAP members to address social determinants of health identified by Healthy People 2030, with a focus on four core areas: health communication/health literacy, overall health and wellbeing, evidence-based screening and prevention, and healthcare access and quality.
  • Partnerships and Networking Committee - seeks to align NAP with like-minded organizations and supporters in support of its mission and vision. Engaging Forum and year-round sponsors and forming and sustaining synergistic strategic partnerships and alliances all fall within their purview.
  • Professional Development Committee - oversees all professional development programming, continuing education (CEs), and marketing of educational offerings by developing, providing, promoting, and assessing ongoing educational opportunities for NAP members and the public that meet established CE standards and providing oversight for a plan for members’ professional development.
  • Public Policy Committee seeks to advise governmental and regulatory agencies concerning sound health care policies and inform policy makers at the national and state level regarding public policies that will enhance access to health care and advance excellence in the promotion of health, and prevention and treatment of disease, injury, disability, and poor health.
  • Membership Committee - makes recommendations to the Council on all NAP membership activities—including, but not be limited to, membership categories and status, admission criteria and standards, recruitment and retention, as well as any membership-related item(s) identified by the Executive Committee or Council. Participation in this committee is determined by each Academy's Chair and Chair-Elect.

Please note that committee participation is a benefit of NAP membership. You must be an active NAP member to volunteer.