Elizabeth Adams, Audiology Academy Elizabeth M. Adams, PhD, CCC-A, FAAA is currently serving as Department Chair in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Adams provides academic instruction to students in the Doctor of Audiology program at USA in the areas of vestibular assessment and treatment, hearing aid amplification, and implantable auditory prostheses such as cochlear implants, middle ear implants, and auditory brainstem implants. Her areas of research interest include vestibular assessment, speech perception, and the implementation of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice. Her professional goals demonstrate a strong commitment to guiding implementation of IPE in her home Department as well as guiding policy for IPE and IPCP implementation at the national level. Rita Adeniran, Nursing Academy Dr. Rita K. Adeniran is the President and CEO of Innovative and Inclusive Global Solutions (IIGS). IIGS specializes in helping healthcare organizations and educational institutions to leverage the total capacity of their workforce for enhanced productivity and optimal outcomes. Dr. Adeniran’s work focuses on assisting organizations in capitalizing on the exceptional creativity and innovation that is found among diverse teams while mitigating the distrust and conflicts that is often amplified. Leveraging the concept of “Gracious Space,” an innovative approach that helps individuals and groups to cultivate understanding, insights, and skills; she inspires authentic dialogue that promotes inclusiveness, leaving her audience with a more profound commitment to engaging with diversity; and appreciating the unique contributions of diverse team members in addressing organizational priorities. She has shared her work at many high-level forums in over 20 countries, receiving rave reviews. She also serves as Assistant Clinical Professor in the MSN, Advanced Role Department of Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions. Previously, Dr. Adeniran served in progressive leadership roles at Penn Medicine for 14+ years, including serving as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. As the Global Nurse Ambassador of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) for over a decade, she led the scalable Global Nurse Program to bring recognition to the HUP as a leader in cultural competence education and inclusive practice environments, as well as becoming a global resource and clinical education center for nurses worldwide. Dr. Adeniran is acknowledged as an innovator in the design, development, and implementation of sustainable, comprehensive, culturally competent programs, and the operationalization of cultural competency in clinical settings. She is a fearless advocate for the vulnerable and culturally disenfranchised. She is contributing to shaping the solutions to the long-standing disparities in healthcare. Dr. Adeniran completed a three -year prestigious leadership fellowship through the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellows’ (RWJENF) Program in 2015. The RWJENF prepared accomplished nurse leaders to undertake some of the most pressing healthcare problems threatening the nation. During the fellowship, she collaborated with six nurse leaders across the country to design and launch a “Civility Tool Kit” (www.stopbullyingtoolkit.org) to empower healthcare leaders to prevent, identify, and intervene in workplace bullying. The toolkit has been accessed in 138 countries across the globe. A framework that she developed from her research is espoused as the model for nursing leadership development by the University of Applied Science in Dresden, Germany. She designed the Transitioning Internationally Educated Nurses for Success (TIENS) Program, published by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as a model for integrating Internationally Educated Nurses into the U.S. workforce. Dr. Adeniran is a recipient of many awards and recognitions, including Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), the highest recognition for nurses making meaningful contributions to nursing and healthcare! Douglas Ander, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy I have been a faculty at Emory University for over two decades. My primary passion has been undergraduate medical education and I served as the Emergency Medicine Clerkship Director for 20 years. I am still involved providing oversight for the education of our learners from the medical school, physician assistant program and the emergency nurse practitioner program. Over the past decade I have been an Assistant Dean for Medical Education. I work on curriculum management and served 10 years as the Director of the Emory Center for Experiential Learning. Now I concentrate my efforts on the establishment of interprofessional education (IPE)and collaborative practice (CP)programs at Emory. I also serve as a liaison to our health profession programs. Five years ago, I had the opportunity to serve as the Interim Director of the Emory Physician Assistant Program. IPE at Emory has evolved over the past 10 years ago into our current Interprofesssional Team Training Days. We involve students from our nursing and medical school and this past Fall doubled our enrollment to 1,200 students including our public health students. As part of the health science center strategic initiatives, I serve on the IPE Council. I have several publications based on our work at Emory. My involvement at a national level has includes involvement in the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment Symposium and two IPEC programs for Leadership Development and the Spring institute. I have several upcoming presentations at the Nexus Summit. Donna Avanecean, Nursing Academy Donna Avanecean is the Hartford Healthcare Medical Group-Neuro Oncology APRN, co-chairperson for the Hartford Hospital Nursing Research and Innovations Council, co-chair of the HHCMG APP Onboarding and Orientation Council. Dr. Avanecean is currently serving as adjunct faculty at the College of Health Professions Pace University Doctor of Nursing Practice program. Dr. Avanecean is a graduate of the Mt. Vernon School of Nursing where she obtained a Diploma in Nursing, College of New Rochelle where she received both a BS and MS in nursing and Pace University where she completed a Post Graduate Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. In 2017 she was awarded the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and was awarded the Greatest Clinical Leadership Potential in Evidenced Based Practice from the College of Health Professions Pace University. Dr.Avanecean’s career pathway in the neurosciences first began in 1979 as a staff nurse in Neurology and Neurosurgery. Throughout her career she has made significant contributions to patient care through lectures, leadership, professional activities and publications. Dr. Avanecean is an active member of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, serving as Director at Large at both the Local and National levels and then as President of the organization. In addition, she has served as Board of Trustee, Treasurer and President for the American Board of Neuroscience Nurses. She is currently an active member of the Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society where she is currently serving as Education Chair. Carolyn Baylor, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Carolyn Baylor, PhD, CCC-SLP received her Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Washington in 1993. After practicing as a speech-language pathologist (SLP) for eight years in adult medical SLP practices, she returned to school and graduated with a PhD in Speech-Language Pathology, also from the University of Washington, in 2007. Since then she has been on faculty at the University of Washington. She currently holds the rank of Associate Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine and Adjunct Associate Professor in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Her clinical interests focus on voice disorders, dysphagia, head and neck cancer, and neurologic communication disorders. Her research areas include life participation restrictions across communication disorders in adults, patient-reported outcomes, and reducing barriers to healthcare access for adults with communication disorders. Her teaching experience covers the range of undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD teaching and research mentoring. She has taught courses in clinical methods, research methods, and voice disorders among others. She is a member of a multidisciplinary teaching team delivering an interprofessional education course to graduate students in the Speech and Hearing Sciences and Rehabilitation Departments at UW. When not working, Carolyn enjoys living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and son. Family activities keep her busy, but she particularly enjoys getting out into nature for walks and hikes. Scott Bennie, Physical Therapy Academy Dr. Bennie is the Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategy at Kettering College, in Dayton, Ohio, effective September 30. He earned his entry-level Master of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Science degrees from Loma Linda University and a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in Financial Management from La Sierra University. Dr. Bennie is a graduate of the ABPTRFE-accredited yearlong American Physical Therapy Association’s Education Leadership Institute Fellowship. He practiced physical therapy as a member of the interprofessional team in the inpatient and outpatient settings, including wound care, NICU, skilled nursing, and inpatient rehab. His management experience included roles as Director of Rehabilitation, Director of Clinical Services, and Area Director. He went on to develop, and teach in, a physical therapist assistant program as the founding Program Director at Stanbridge University, where he served as the founding Chair of the Interdisciplinary Committee. He started the Advent Health University (AHU)DPT team in 2013 and developed the now CAPTE-accredited DPT program. At AHU he has developed and Chaired the institution’s Interprofessional Practice and Education Committee. He serves the IPECP community in several ways: as a member of the American Interprofessional Healthcare Collaborative’s (AIHC) Communications and Awards Committees, by participating in the AIHC-National Center Faculty Mentor Program’s pilot cohort, as a workshop proposal reviewer for both the Nexus Summit and Collaborating Across Borders Conference, and as a reviewer for the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. His areas of research interest are evidence-based education, including interprofessional education and simulation. Kathy Lee Bishop, Physical Therapy Academy Dr. Bishop received her BS in Physical Therapy from the University of Vermont and her MS and DPT from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston. She is aboard-certified cardiopulmonary specialist (since 1993), an ACLS instructor, and was the Manager of the Emory HeartWise Risk Reduction Program from 1999 to 2014. She assumed the role of Program Manager for Emory Saint Joseph’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in 2014where she was instrumental in developing the program website as well as moving the ordering system to an electronic platform. Dr. Bishop began teaching in the Emory Physical Therapy program in 1999. Her career has focused on acute care, early mobilization in the intensive care unit, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, and health and wellness. She completed a Master Teaching course in 2012 through Georgia State University. Her textbook with Dr. Dan Malone: Physical Therapy in Acute Care. A Clinician’s Guide published by Slack Incorporated was published in2006 and presently a 2nd edition is in prepublication. She is serving as the co-director of the 3rdInterprofessional Simulation Conference as well as the co-chair of the 2019 Georgia Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation annual state meeting. She volunteers annually to help raise monies and awareness for the American Heart Association. Her current educational interests include evaluation of carryover of immersive ICU simulation to clinical practice. In response to the success of the Advanced Acute Care Elective, an interprofessional immersive critical care simulation course combining 9thsemester DPT students with 4thyear medical students is set to trial in the spring of 2020. Susan Blaakman, Nursing Academy Dr. Blaakman earned her psychology bachelor’s degree at the State University of New York at Oswego and her nursing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees at the University of Rochester. She brings over 25 years of experience to her role as associate professor of clinical nursing and specialty director of the University of Rochester School of Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program. Addressing a provider shortage state-wide, she was instrumental in redesigning this curriculum to a lifespan, online program, tripling enrollment. She is partnering with the New York State Office of Mental Health to expand their nurse practitioner workforce and is a trail-blazer for simulation and interprofessional education initiatives. Dr. Blaakman is a leader on an interprofessional, clinical research team at the University of Rochester Division of General Pediatrics focused on serving inner-city, minority youth, and their families, who disproportionately bear the burden of asthma. She helped test school-based care models that have been replicated across the country and is working to increase urban teens’ access to specialist care using telemedicine. Dr. Blaakman mentors diverse colleagues and students in her education, research, and practice roles, and is a recipient of the Rochester Academy of Medicine Nursing Award. She’s a member of the international Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and a founding member of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Motivational Interviewing Task Force. She formerly co-chaired the APNA Tobacco Dependence Council and serves on the executive board for the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Epsilon Xi chapter.
Betsy Blake, Pharm.D. BCPS, is the Director of Interprofessional Education and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences Department at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. She practices in an Internal Medicine practice affiliated with Prisma Health–Midlands, collaborating with providers to enhance care for patients with chronic disease states. Dr. Blake received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy in 2000. She then completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency (2000-2001) and a Primary Care Pharmacy Residency in Family Medicine (2001-2002) at the Medical University of South Carolina. Since joining the faculty in 2006, Blake has earned many teaching awards, including Teacher of the Year in 2010 and the USC Clinical Practice Teaching Award in 2011. She was also named the Midlands Region Mentor of the Year in 2013. In 2016, she received the South Carolina Pharmacy Association Ken Couch Distinguished Mentor Award. She has been awarded the South Carolina College of Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Preceptor of the Year Award for two consecutive years. Dr. Blake has been involved with interprofessional education (IPE)at the University of South Carolina since2009.She now serves as the co-director for the UofSC Interprofessional Education for the Health Sciences, which includes faculty members and students from all five of the University’s health science programs. In 2018, she became an official liaison for the GBS-CIDP Foundation International to advocate for and assist patients with these conditions.
Jean Blosser, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Jean Blosser’s passion for serving children with disabilities began at Ohio University. Her focus on innovative approaches strengthened while completing her MA in Speech Pathology at Kent State University. Her early work experiences set the tone for her career as an SLP, innovator, writer, and leader. A faculty position at The University of Akron set the stage for her future clinical, teaching, management, research, and mentoring endeavors. After completing her Ed.D. in Higher Education at The University of Akron in 1986 with a focus on preparing professionals for employment, she transitioned to roles as Professor, Director of the Speech and Hearing Center, Director of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Associate Provost. She became VP for Therapy Programs and Quality at Progressus Therapy, a national education organization; providing vision and leadership for quality initiatives. Currently President of Creative Strategies for Special Education, she consults with schools and businesses. Her teaching, supervision, research and leadership focus on improving services in schools with an emphasis on collaboration with teachers, therapists, and families. She has mentored hundreds, encouraging innovation, practical approaches, and collaboration to make services educationally relevant and meaningful to children so they can participate and succeed in their classrooms. Jean is nationally recognized as an author and speaker. She has been named Fellow of ASHA and The American Council on Education. Some publications include: School Programs in Speech-Language Pathology: Organization and Service Delivery (6th Ed., 2019) and Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Proactive Intervention (3rd Ed., 2019).
Jen Brandt, Social Work Academy Dr. Jen Brandt is the Director of Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives at the American Veterinary Medical Association. She is a licensed independent social worker and supervisor, experienced grief and trauma therapist, and a healthcare team communications specialist. She is also a certified Psychology of Eating Coach, certified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, certified QPR Suicide Prevention Instructor, and certified Anti-Oppression Informed Practitioner. Dr. Brandt founded The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Honoring the Bond Program, one of the first programs in the nation aimed at recognizing and honoring the human-animal bond by providing support and resources to animal owners and animal care professionals. She is a nationally and internationally acclaimed speaker at veterinary colleges and conferences and has served as a master trainer and facilitator for the Institute for Healthcare Communication since 2003.Dr.Brandt’s work centers around providing individuals, teams, and organizations with the skills essential to quality veterinary care, veterinary career success, and personal and professional satisfaction. Her seminars offer applied learning opportunities to promote diversity and inclusion throughout the profession, increase self-awareness, improve wellbeing and resilience, resolve conflict, and enhance veterinary team communication. Dr. Brandt received her Ph.D. in Social Work and her Master of Social Work from The Ohio State University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Sociology with a Minor in Spanish from the University of Indianapolis.
Susan Breitenstein, Nursing Academy Susan Breitenstein, PhD, RN, FAAN is an Associate Professor, Director of Community Outreach and Engagement, and Senior Director of the Community Health Worker Training Program at The Ohio State University College of Nursing. She was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholar and elected as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Breitenstein has served on numerous grant review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families. She has published over30 articles and book chapters and serves on the editorial board of The Journal of School Nursing and as an elected member of the board of the Global Implementation Initiative. Dr. Breitenstein’s clinical expertise is in child and adolescent psychiatry and group-based behavioral change interventions. She is best known for her work in promoting positive parent-child relationships and preventing behavior problems in young children from low-income neighborhoods. Her research focuses on studying the efficacy of interventions and implementation strategies. She has served as principal investigator and co-investigator on externally and internally funded grants. Dr. Breitenstein has developed and tested the ezParent Program, a tablet-based adaptation of an evidence-based program and implemented a reliable and valid measure of intervention fidelity for group-based interventions. Dr. Breitenstein’s research and her community engagement efforts require cross discipline collaboration and she works closely with colleagues in medicine, social work, psychology, early education, and within multiple settings (inpatient, outpatient, and community agencies).
Laurie Brogan, Physical Therapy Academy Laurie Brogan, PT, DPT is a professor in the Physical Therapy department of Misericordia University. She is certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties in Geriatrics (GCS) and is also a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult (CEEAA). She also has certification in LSVT Big, which is a certification program for treating adults with Parkinson’s Disease. She has been a full-time faculty member since 2014, and served as an adjunct professor in 2013. Prior to entering the academic environment, she worked in a variety of practice settings before focusing on the home health arena and health promotion/treatment of movement disorders in the older adult population. She served as a Director of Rehabilitation for Gentiva Health Services, where she honed an interprofessional collaborative treatment model and continues to see patients on a regular basis. As a faculty member at Misericordia University, she is responsible for teaching cardiopulmonary physical therapy, older adult focused electives and a professional issues course that has a leadership and business focus. She chaired a task force that was directed to explore interprofessional education and was instrumental in the formation of the committee and continuing presence of a collaborative educational presence within the College of Health Science and Education, which includes the first interprofessional health care simulation activities on campus. Her professional interests and areas of research focus on functional improvement in older adults as well as the impact of interprofessional education on quality practice, interprofessional socialization, and how hierarchy perceptions impact interprofessional group structure.
Laura Bronstein, Social Work Academy Laura Bronstein, ACSW, LCSWR, PhD is Dean of the College of Community and Public Affairs and Professor of Social Work at Binghamton University. Prior to entering academia, Laura worked as a social worker in a range of settings including a school for children with developmental disabilities, a psychiatric hospital, family preservation, and hospice. Since entering academia, Laura has published over 60 peer-reviewed research articles and chapters and been awarded millions of dollars in federal, state and foundation grants. She has an international reputation for her research on collaboration including having created the widely used Index for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Laura has been awarded the Lois B. DeFleur Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence and the John A. Hartford Foundation’s Outstanding Dean for Aging Education award. In 2016 she published School-linked Services: Promoting Equity for Children, Families and Communities (Columbia University Press) with co-author Susan Mason which addresses how providing health and social services for students from low-income families supports their academic success. In 2018 Laura published A Guide to Interprofessional Collaboration (Council on Social Work Education Press) with co-editors Aidyn Iachini and Elizabeth Mellin. Currently Laura oversees Binghamton University’s signature civic engagement initiative to build university-assisted community schools in urban, suburban and rural communities.
Teri Browne, Social Work Academy Dr. Teri Browne is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty and Research at the University of South Carolina College of Social Work in Columbia, SC. Dr. Browne is the co-director of interprofessional health for the health sciences at the University of South Carolina. She has co-created and co-directs the introductory interprofessional class “Transforming Health Care for the Future” at the University of South Carolina that is taught annually to students from twelve health professions. Dr. Browne earned her MSW at the State University of New York at Buffalo and her PhD at the University of Chicago. Dr. Browne worked as a medical social worker for 13 years in NY, CA and IL and was the national chairperson of Council of Nephrology Social Work. Dr. Browne is the editor-in-chief of National Kidney Foundation’s Journal of Nephrology Social Work. She is currently the Chairperson of the End Stage Renal Disease Network of the South Atlantic Grievance Committee and a member of the Network’s Divisional Board. Dr. Browne is a social work field instructor for the National Kidney Foundation of South Carolina and is a member of the American Association of Kidney Patient’s Board of Directors. She is also the co-editor of the Handbook of Health Social Work.
Deborah Carlson, Audiology Academy Deborah L Carlson, PhD is the Director of the Center for Audiology & Speech Pathology and an Associate Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX. She received her PhD in Audiology as well as dual Master of Science degrees in Communication Disorders & Sciences (Audiology) and Rehabilitation Administration and Adjustment Services from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Professionally, she has participated on a variety of national boards and committees related to clinical accreditation, education, finance, administration, convention planning, nominations, and coding and reimbursement for the American Academy of Audiology (AAA)and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). At the state level, she has served on the Texas State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and in a consulting capacity to the Texas Department of State Health Services Infant Hearing Screening program. Dr. Carlson has served in several leadership positions and is a past President and Founding Member of the Texas Academy of Audiology and a past President of the American Academy of Audiology. She received Fellow Honors from ASHA in 2007. Her clinical and research interests include amplification, implantable hearing devices, electrophysiology, infant hearing screening, and tinnitus. She has been an invited speaker and presented her work at numerous states, national and international meetings. Dr. Carlson is American Board of Audiology Certified (ABA) and holds her Certificate of Clinical Compence in Audiology (CCC-A). She is licensed in Audiology through the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Ruth M. Carrico PhD DNPAPRNFNP-C FSHEA CIC is an Associate Professor and Family Nurse Practitioner with the University of Louisville School Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, and is the founding Associate Director of the School of Medicine Global Health Initiative. Dr. Carrico is widely published in the area of infection prevention and control and has worked with acute care hospitals, long term care facilities, outpatient surgery centers and clinics, and physician and dental offices. At present, Dr. Carrico is responsible for clinical operations at the University of Louisville’s Global Health Center focusing on interprofessional practices and outcomes that represent infection risk for patients, healthcare personnel, and communities worldwide. Dr. Carrico has worked with a number of national organizations and advisory committees including the CDC’s National Bio surveillance Subcommittee Advisory Committee to the Director and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). She is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow alumna. Dr. Carrico has served as president of the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC), the organization responsible for board certification for infection preventionists worldwide and in 2016, co-founded the Infection Prevention Institute, a virtual training site focusing on infection prevention education for healthcare personnel. Also, in 2016, the University of Louisville Journal of Refugee and Global Health was launched, with the first issue published in 2017. Dr. Carrico serves as Editor-in-Chief for this new double Diamond open access journal. In 2018, Dr. Carrico assumed the role of President for the Kentucky Nurses Association.
Nancy Carson, Occupational Therapy Academy Dr. Nancy Carson is the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs in the College of Health Professions and an Associate Professor in the Division of Occupational Therapy at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). She received her clinical training in occupational therapy at MUSC and completed a PhD in Public Health at the University of South Carolina. She has served as Associate Dean for five years and works with all programs within the College of Health Professions to ensure compliance with academic policies and procedures. She also oversees all faculty processes, supports faculty development, and provides mentorship to new faculty. She continues to teach the mental health content in the occupational therapy curriculum, and she participates in interprofessional education initiatives within the university including serving on the university Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Advisory Council. Involvement in IPE experiences have led to several national institutes with faculty from other universities and multiple peer-reviewed presentations at national and international conferences. She was awarded the Outstanding Facilitator Award for the university interprofessional course in the fall of 2016, and she was named to the Roster of Fellows by the American Occupational Therapy Association for significant contributions to the continuing education and professional development of members of the association. In 2017,she received the Long-Term Service Award for the South Carolina Occupational Therapy Association. She continues her interest in interprofessional education and strives to be a leader who can promote positive change in advancing interprofessional practice through her leadership role in the college.
Dr. Teri Chenot is a Program Director, Healthcare Quality and Safety; Associate Professor(tenured)at the Keigwin School of Nursing, Brooks Rehabilitation College of Healthcare Sciences(BRCHS), Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, FL. and has been a full-time faculty member since 2010. She received her BSN and BHS degrees from Florida Atlantic University. Her graduate education includes an MSN from Florida Atlantic University, an MEd from the University of North Florida (UNF), and an MS in marriage and family therapy from St. Thomas University. She received her EdD in Educational Leadership from UNF with a cognate in Adult Learning/Patient Safety. Her dissertation, Frameworks for Patient Safety in the Nursing Curriculum, resulted in a validated survey that measures patient safety awareness among nursing students. Her three primary areas of research interest include patient safety, quality, and health outcomes. Dr. Chenot has developed the interprofessional Healthcare Quality and Safety programs at Jacksonville University that will launch in Spring of 2020 and serves as an instructor in the nursing programs. She has served in leadership positions in professional nursing organizations such as a Board member of the Florida Nurses Association and the Florida Organization of Nurse Executives. She is a Board member of the international Quality and Safety Education for Nurses(QSEN) organization. She is an inductee in the 2019 Class of Fellows into the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Chenot has received interprofessional education (invitation only) from The Dartmouth Institute and has led interprofessional teams to improve health outcomes and patient safety initiatives.
Steven Chesbro, Physical Therapy Academy Steven B. Chesbro, PT, DPT, EdD is the Vice President for Education at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and provides leadership for the Department of Education that includes the divisions of academic and clinical affairs, accreditation, centralized application services, post professional credentialing, residency and fellowship education, and student recruitment. Prior to joining APTA staff in 2016, Dr. Chesbro served as dean of the College of Health Sciences and founder and director of the Center to Advance Rehabilitative Health and Education at Alabama State University. The majority of Dr. Chesbro’s career has focused on health professions education, including initiatives to improve diversity in education and workforce environments. He was appointed to a 4-year term to serve on the Diversity Task Force of the NICHD/NIH, served as a board member of the Tuskegee Area Health Education Center, has been a recipient of the APTA’s Diversity Award, the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy’s Distinguished Educator Award, and has served as the principal investigator/project director of grants specific to health professions diversity from AHRQ and HRSA. Dr. Chesbro has published and presented scholarly works related to diverse issues in the healthcare workforce and higher education. He completed a BA and MS(psychology and college teaching)at Northeastern State University, a BS(physical therapy)at Langston University, an MHS(neurologic physical therapy)at the University of Indianapolis, an EdD(occupational and adult education)from Oklahoma State University, and a DPT from MGH Institute of Health Professions. He is a board-certified geriatric clinical specialist.
Carol Cokely, Audiology Academy Carol Geltman Cokely, Director of Clinical Education in Audiology, holds the rank of Clinical Professor and joined the Doctor of Audiology (AuD) Program within the School of Behavior and Brain Sciences in 2001. She develops programs to enhance and evaluate the quality of clinical education at the University of Texas at Dallas Callier Center. She earned a B.A. degree from Queens College of the City University of New York, a M.A. degree from Northwestern University, and PhD from Indiana University. She teaches courses inAdult Aural Rehabilitation, Research in Audiology, and Counseling/Mentoring. As Director of Clinical Education in Audiology, Dr. Cokely is responsible for ensuring students meet or exceed all required clinical-learning outcomes through all four years of the AuD Program. She has designed several clinical programs and tools to enhance the clinical education process for both students and preceptors. Dr.Cokely is active in many professional organizations. Currently she serves on Board of Directors of the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE), is Chair elect of the Professional and Academic Standards Counsel and member of Leadership Development Committee of the American Academy of Audiology, and member of the Clinical Education Resources Committee of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Audiology group of the Health Care Economic Committee of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. She served on the Board of Directions of the American Academy of Audiology and is a past president of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology. Dr. Cokely works with other hearing and health-care professionals to provide community outreach programs for underserved children and adults in the metroplex. Continued areas of research and program development are auditory rehabilitation and andragogy. She has published and given presentations nationally and internationally on innovations in clinical education outcomes, teaching methods and service provision in auditory rehabilitation, service learning in doctoral curriculum, and incorporating reflective skills into clinical practice. She serves as research mentor to AuD students for their independent research requirement.
Patricia Coker-Bolt, Occupational Therapy Academy Patty Coker-Bolt is a Professor in the Division of Occupational Therapy at the Medical University of South Carolina where she teaches pediatric coursework and engages students in community-based learning experiences. She received an undergraduate degree in special education in 1989 from the Pennsylvania State University and her occupational therapy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1998. She has over 20 years of OT experience, specializing in the treatment of high-risk infants and children with neuromuscular disorders such as cerebral palsy (CP). Her research has focused on the study of interventions for children with CP and includes a pediatric handbook on constraint-induced movement therapy. She is currently conducting research on the early detection of infants at risk for CP with an interprofessional team of neonatologists and developmental pediatricians. Dr. Coker-Bolt has been involved in several global initiatives and has mentored students on interprofessional medical mission trips to South Africa, Romania, Uganda, and Nicaragua. She completed grant funded projects to train therapists in Ethiopia and recently completed a project with Handicap International to update interprofessional guidelines for the rehabilitation of children with CP in Vietnam. She was selected as a Fulbright Specialist in 2016 to work with the Episcopal University of Haiti and provided expertise for the first occupational and physical therapy educational program in Haiti. She recently received a second Fulbright Specialist award to work with faculty in the Volga Region University in Kazan, Russia to develop inclusive community and sport opportunities for children with disabilities.
Michelle Collins, Nursing Academy Dr. Michelle Collins is a full Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Rush University College of Nursing. In addition to teaching, research, and administration, she clinically practices as a certified nurse-midwife. Dr. Collins is involved in many national initiatives including the HRSA/ACOG Women’s Preventative Services Initiative, an interdisciplinary committee of women’s health experts that set national women’s health guidelines. She is a nominated member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Assessment of Birth Settings committee, an interdisciplinary group of obstetric professionals preparing a congressionally mandated report to inform congress on the status of birth within US birth settings. Dr. Collins led the 2011 initiative to bring nitrous oxide to Vanderbilt University Medical Center (only the second hospital in the country to offer nitrous oxide for childbirth), and has since served as a resource for hundreds of hospitals and birth centers to initiate nitrous oxide services. She presents frequently nationally, and internationally, on the topic of nitrous oxide in childbirth, and has gained an international reputation as an expert on the topic. Both the American College of Nurse-Midwives and the Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses requested Dr. Collins to author their organization position statements on the use of nitrous oxide in childbirth. Also passionate about cervical cancer prevention, she serves as a colposcopy mentor for the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP). Dr. Collins is a Fellow of both the American College of Nurse-Midwives and the American Academy of Nursing. Jaclyn Conelius, Nursing Academy Jaclyn Conelius, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC,FHRS is an associate professor and the FNP Track Coordinator at the Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies at Fairfield University. Her interprofessional clinical experience with physicians and other advanced practice providers includes greater than sixteen years in cardiology and primary care. Her primary research centers on advanced directives, heart failure, cardiac device therapy, and inter-professional nurse practitioner(NP) education. She has published multiple articles and book chapters and is a fellow of the international Heart Rhythm Society(FHRS). Dr. Conelius is an active member of professional organizations; serves as an editor; and actively participates in professional, university, and community service. She served as a core member in the Department of Veterans Affairs Center of Excellence in primary care education(CoEPCE)grant. It focused on providing inter-professional shared collaborative care to primary care patients at the VA and on inter-professional training experiences with NPs, residents, and all members of the primary care team. Her work as a core faculty member helped establish the first post-graduate national NP fellowship in inter-professional education. She completed the Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) HRSA grant Integrating Palliative Care Education Across the Community program (IPAC),which integrated interprofessional education in palliative care to healthcare providers at a multisite federally qualified health center. Presently, she is the Co-PI on an $ 2.46 M HRSA grant that provides didactic and clinical education experiences for FNP/PMHNP students to work in inter-professional teams incorporating evidence-based telehealth to underserved patients across the lifespan in primary care settings.
William Curry, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy William A. Curry, MD, MACP, graduated with honors from The University of Alabama and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine(AOA),where he was medical resident and chief resident. He practiced rural general internal medicine and worked in the Tuscaloosa program of the School of Medicine, becoming Dean in 1998. In 2004, Dr. Curry moved to UAB, where he has received numerous teaching awards, was founding chair of the UAB Health System Innovation Board, and in 2012 became Senior VP for Population Health for the UAB Health System. As Professor of Medicine and Nursing and Associate Dean for Primary Care and Rural Health, he has engaged in research and development of inter-professional models of care, care for vulnerable and underserved populations, improved clinical analytics, and educational innovation. He served as member and chair of the Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care and Medicine and Dentistry of the US Department of Health and Human Services (2005-2010). He has worked in reform of state law and regulation for nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants, Alabama’s first statewide Area Health Education Center (AHEC) program, and served as president of the state medical association, member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, the State Committee of Public Health, and Governor for the Alabama Chapter, American College of Physicians (2019-2023). Dr. Curry maintains active clinical practice in both ambulatory and hospital care at UAB. Penny Damaskos, Social Work Academy Penny Damaskos, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW is the Director of Social Work and Chaplaincy at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Penny started her career at MSK and has served as an oncology social worker there and at other area hospitals for more than 25 years. She graduated with her Master’s from New York University ‘s Silver School of Social Work and received her PhD degree from Yeshiva University. She was the recipient of an American Cancer Society Doctoral Training Grant to support her doctoral studies that focused on the presence of resilience in oncology social work. Penny co-authored several chapters in the Oxford Handbook of Oncology Social Work on cancer survivorship, supervision of oncology social workers and building programs for resilience in an institutional setting. Penny served as the president of the Association of Oncology Social Work and is the recipient of several awards: the Association of Oncology Social Work’s Leadership in Oncology Social Work as well as an AOSW Fellow, the Project of Death in America, (PDIA) Career Achievement Award and the Health Care Chaplaincy Network’s Wholeness of Life award.
Michelle Zemsky Dineen, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Michelle Zemsky Dineen is a clinician, healthcare leader, and educator with a focus on various aspects of medically based speech pathology, interprofessional practice, rehabilitation service-line development, and ethics. She has worked throughout the continuum of care including acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and outpatient settings. Ms. Zemsky Dineen is pursuing her PhD in Interprofessional Healthcare Studies at Rosalind Franklin University after receiving her Bachelor’s degree from Miami University (OH) and her Master’s degree from Northwestern University. She serves as adjunct faculty at Elmhurst College, Governors State University, and Midwestern University. In addition to presenting at various local, state and national events, Ms. Zemsky Dineen is active within the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association serving as chair of the Ethics Education Committee, co-chair of the Medical Practice Issues committee, and program-track chair for Professional Practice.
Cole Edmonson, Nursing Academy Dr. Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE,FAAN, FAONL Chief Clinical Officer-AMN Healthcare Robert Wood Johnson Foundation–Executive Nurse Fellow Alum 2012Dr. Edmonson has a career spanning three decades with roles from clinical nurse to chief nursing officer, currently he is the Chief Clinical Officer for AMN Healthcare. He is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership; and Nursing Executive Advanced-Board Certified. He is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow Alum. He completed his BSN and MSN at Oklahoma University College of Nursing and DNP at Texas Christian University. He is a contributor to the literature and speaks nationally in the area of leadership, succession planning, research, moral courage, nurse bullying, culture building, emerging global health issues, Magnet, genetics/genomics, emerging global health issues, stress mitigation in nursing and disaster nursing. He has led two organizations to Magnet. He has been a primary investigator/co-investigator on numerous nursing research studies ranging from Just Cultures to genetics/genomics. He is a co-creator of the genetics / genomics toolbox for the NIH/NHGP/NCI. His latest co-authored book is the Nurse Managers Guide to Recruitment &Retention. He served on the National League for Nursing (NLN)Acceleration to Practice Committee, a commissioner on the NLN Commission on Nursing Education Accreditation, the UHG external clinical advisory council, the Texas Hospital Association and is the Chair of the NLN Foundation. He co-lead the Texas Team -Action Coalition with RWJF / CCNA. He is a Past President for the Texas Organization of Nurse Executives, is an AONL and ANCC board member.
Terry Eggenberger, Nursing Academy Terry Eggenberger, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, CNL is Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University’s College of Nursing; with an appointment in the College of Medicine; and Director of Interprofessional Education and Practice, Office of the Provost. She has been passionate about interprofessional (IP) education and practice since 2008 when she began introducing other team roles into simulated scenarios, and identified a need for more emphasis on teams and communication with IP health care colleagues. She completed the Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS)master trainer course, Primary Care TeamSTEPPS training, and the TeamSTEPPS Advanced Master Training Course as a foundation for designing Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)programs. A Macy’s Presidential Grant (2015) supported Dr. Eggenberger and associates as they endeavored to strengthen IP relationships and communication in an acute care setting with frontline providers, addressing the IP education practice gap. Her IP team worked with frontline providers, including a new physician residency program in Internal Medicine; nursing, pharmacy, and social work to hardwire Team STEPPS at the point of care. She was Director of Interprofessional Student Engagement(2014), and PI (2017), for a NEPQR IPCP HRSA grant that advanced IP team building in the delivery of diabetes mellitus and mental health care to an underserved population. IPCP competencies were strengthened across three counties in South Florida. Recent IP efforts have resulted in recommendations for IP advance care planning. She has published on IP initiatives, and presented nationally and internationally on team science and communication.
Amara Estrada, Veterinary Medicine Academy Amara H. Estrada, DVM, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology) is internationally recognized as a noted researcher in the field of comparative and veterinary clinical cardiology. For the past 18 years, she has focused her research on translational models of acquired and inherited cardiac disorders such as congenital cardiac disease, degenerative cardiac disorders and inherited cardiomyopathies. Many cardiac diseases that occur in infants, adolescents and adults also occur in naturally occurring veterinary models that offer unique collaborative opportunities. Dr. Estrada has been working and collaborating on understanding the pathophysiology of inherited cardioskeletal myopathies in naturally occurring veterinary cardiac disease models to help guide therapeutic strategies for clinical trials. The cooperative needs of these research interests have resulted in a secondary path in Interprofessional education. Over the last 10 years Dr. Estrada has worked jointly with representatives from five other Colleges that reside in the University of Florida Health Science Center to develop IPE programs. She was the leader for the College of Veterinary Medicine’s participation in the UF IPE activity. The identification and development of a new IPE activity based on the opioid crisis and the unique role that veterinarians can play is her most recent endeavor in this area. The role-playing activity brings together professions from Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. The Opioid activity is one example that highlights the importance of interprofessional collaboration and communication to positively affect the lives of the patients and communities that are served by all health professions.
David Fray, a graduate of The University of Texas School of Dentistry and Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business whose career includes private dental practice, FQHC dental director, public health administrator, educator, risk management consultant, researcher, behavioral health and neurotrauma rehabilitation program administrator, emergency preparedness coordinator and as Associate Professor for UTHealth in the Texas Medical Center of Houston. He holds appointments as faculty at the Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas McGovern Medical School LEND program and the UT School of Dentistry. From 2002 to 2014 he served as Chief of the Developmental Disabilities Division in the Hawaii Department of Health, providing health and community support services. He served as dental director for United Family Healthcare System in China, taught in three Universities in China, worked refugee relief, international health teams in Honduras, Nicaragua, Romania, Philippines and Serbia. He established partnerships at the Arkansas Health Center psychiatric hospital, dementia treatment center, nursing assistant school, nursing school satellite campus and an innovative vocational rehabilitation program integrating persons with mental health needs and persons with developmental disabilities. He obtained federal grants of $3,000,000+as principle investigator to establish alternative healthcare systems in Arkansas and Hawaii, co-founded free community medical/dental clinics, and taught interdisciplinary disability training for physicians, dentists and allied health professionals. He is a licensed dentist in four States and China, completed post-graduate training in Developmental Dentistry for adults, is a Certified Healthcare Emergency Planner (CHEP)and by the National Association of Boards as a Long-Term Care Administrator.
Katherine Galluzzi, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy Professor and Chair of the Department of Geriatrics and Director of Comprehensive Care at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Galluzzi serves as Medical Director of the Residentialist Group and VNA Hospice of Philadelphia. She is board certified in Geriatrics, Family Medicine/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Pain Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Care; and is a Certified Medical Director through the American Medical Directors Association. She is Chair of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, a member of the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians, and distinguished fellow of ACOFP. A Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Past President of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Family Physicians Society(POFPS), and former President of the Eastern Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society(EPGS), she chaired the AOA Council on Palliative Care for many years. Dr. Galluzzi received the 2014ACOFP Outstanding Female Leader Award and 1996 Frederick J. Solomon, D.O. Award of Merit. She recently accepted the 2018 Grace W. Harrison Award for distinguished service in the field of Long Term Care and was the 2005 recipient of the Barbara Bell, M. D Award for distinguished service in the field of geriatrics from EPGS. An active member of numerous local and national organizations/committees, Dr. Galluzzi is a seasoned national speaker on geriatric topics such as health promotion/disease prevention, successful aging, dementia, pain and palliative care. Denise Gammonley, Social Work Academy Denise Gammonley is Professor of Social Work at the University of Central Florida where she serves as Interim Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Affairs/College of Health Professions and Sciences. She is also Co-lead of the UCF Aging, Disability and Technology Faculty Cluster. Her research focuses on promoting person-centered care and training the eldercare workforce to enhance the quality of care delivered in health and long-term care settings. Service to the professional practice community has been a consistent focus in her 30-year career as a clinician, supervisor and academic. She served on the steering committee of the Florida Pioneer Network long-term care culture change coalition for over ten years and developed and delivered training curricula to United Way and the NASW Supervisory Leaders in Aging program. She is presently a trustee-at-large of the Florida Council on Aging. From 2005-2012 she served as a national mentor and expert trainer for the National Center for Gerontological Social Work Education. She has delivered invited and peer-reviewed presentations on interprofessional practice and educating the elder care workforce to the National Initiative on Care of the Elderly in Canada, the National Hartford Centers for Gerontological Nursing Excellence, the American Geriatrics Society, and the Royal University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dr. Gammonley is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and was a Hartford Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholar from 2006-2008. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, her BS and MSW from Florida State. She is a Florida Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Ellayne Ganzfried, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Ellayne S. Ganzfried, M.S., CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist. She is a Clinical Associate Professor and the Director of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Center at Pace University. Ellayne was the former Executive Director of the National Aphasia Association. She has her own consulting company, E&I Associates, Inc. and is a consultant for rehabilitation and not-for profit organizations. She is Past President of the NYS Speech Language Hearing Association (NYSSLHA), Long Island Speech Language Hearing Association (LISHA) and the Council of State Association Presidents for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (CSAP). Ellayne is a Fellow of the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA). She was a site visitor for ASHA’s Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) and a practitioner member of the CAA for four years. Ellayne is currently the Public Commissioner for the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Council of ABET. Ellayne has created and managed several speech, hearing and rehabilitation programs in New York and Massachusetts. She has been involved with interprofessional education and interprofessional practices throughout her career. She is the co-author of the book “The Word Escapes Me-Voices of Aphasia.” Ellayne has written articles and presented regionally, nationally and internationally on a variety of topics including aphasia, communication, rehabilitation and leadership skills.
Chad Gentry attended the University of Tennessee Knoxville and received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. He has primarily spent is professional career in academia, and has practiced in several interprofessional primary care clinics while on faculty at East Tennessee State University and Lipscomb University. He is board certified in ambulatory care and is a certified diabetes educator. Dr. Gentry has served in multiple leadership capacities involving experiential education and interprofessional education(IPE). He holds an adjunct faculty position at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and served as a Health Policy Associate at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for Health Policy at Meharry Medical College. Dr. Gentry has extensive experience in the translational science of IPE into collaborative practice. He has served in various capacities of leadership with the Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance Interprofessional Education Faculty Collaborative, Vanderbilt Program in Interprofessional Learning, Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy and the Tennessee Interprofessional Practice and Education Consortium. He has published numerous manuscripts and presented on many state, regional, and national platform programs in his field. He serves as a reviewer for several journals focused on teaching and learning and vulnerable populations. He is active with the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the Tennessee Pharmacists Association. In 2019, he was recognized for his innovative interprofessional practice and leadership by being named the recipient of the Tennessee Pharmacists Association Excellence in Innovation award.
Safiya George Dalmida, Nursing Academy Dr. Safiya George is Dean and Professor at Florida Atlantic University’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. She earned her PhD, MSN, and certificate in Women’s Studies from Emory University and completed an interdisciplinary postdoctoral fellowship at Duke University. She is a board-certified Adult Nurse Practitioner and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She has taught students TeamSTEPPS and facilitated inter-professional simulation activities. She led/co-led nursing students on inter-professional service learning experiences in the Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands, and Moultrie, Georgia – in collaboration with physicians, residents, medical/pharmacy/physical therapy students, and public health leaders. As Assistant Dean for Research, she encouraged interprofessional scholarship. Her research aims to promote the holistic wellbeing of individuals with or at risk of HIV/AIDS and has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the John Templeton Foundation and others. Her inter-disciplinary team’s study, Affordable Housing and Community Advocacy for People Living with HIV: Assessing Best Practices and Health Impact, is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Interdisciplinary Research Leaders Program. She has authored 50 publications and nearly 100 presentations. Her scholarly productivity signals her national reputation in the areas of holistic health, spirituality, and HIV. She received the 2019 President’s Faculty Research Award at the University of Alabama and the Daniel J. Pesut Spirit of Renewal Award in 2015. She is an elected member of the International Board of Directors for Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society for Nursing, where she has also held numerous leadership roles.
Carolyn Giordano, Psychology Academy Dr. Giordano has been the primary author or co-author on over a dozen articles in peer-reviewed journals, in the area of health and medical education as well as in interprofessional education and is the author and co-author on two book chapters on assessment and data analytics. She is a fellow in the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions where she is a member of the interprofessional education subcommittee and has co-edited a special edited of the Journal of Allied Health dedicated to interprofessional education works. She has been invited to give testimony to HRSA on the impact of interprofessional education and has also been awarded the distinguished paper award from the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions and the James B. Erdmann, PhD Award for Excellence in Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice. Dr. Giordano received a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with a minor in women’s studies, from Rowan University, where in 2015 she was named “Outstanding Alumni.” She earned her master’s degree in experimental psychology at Towson University and her doctorate in educational psychology at Temple University. Robin Goodrich, Nursing Academy Dr. Robin Goodrich is the Campus President of Chamberlain College of Nursing, North Brunswick New Jersey Campus. Prior to joining Chamberlain, Dr. Goodrich was associate dean and associate professor in the Colleges of Health Professions and Arts and Sciences at Davenport University in Michigan, adjunct assistant professor of nursing education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and associate professor and undergraduate program coordinator at Western Connecticut State University. Dr. Goodrich has contributed to the advancement of the nursing profession through journal articles and presentations on topics including transition to the academic nurse educator role, simulation scenarios, the value of professional certifications in maternal-child and neonatal nursing. Dr. Goodrich practiced for 28 years in maternal-child and level IIIB Neonatal Intensive Care. She is a former NCC Certified Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse (NIC). Dr. Goodrich is actively engaged in professional organizations such as New York Academy of Medicine (Fellow), Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing, and Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society. She serves as Vice President of Nursing Education Alumni Association, Teachers College Columbia University and is Chair of Research and Scholarship. Dr. Goodrich earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from University of Phoenix, Master of Science in Nursing from Western Connecticut State University and Doctor of Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Amber Heape, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Amber Heape received her Doctorate of Clinical Science degree in 2016 from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, where she received the Nielson Student Service Award for service to the university, profession, and community. Dr. Heape is an adjunct professor in the SLPD program at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, as well as the Master of Arts program at South Carolina State University. She is a full-time clinical educator for Pruitt health Therapy Services, where she has led multiple interdisciplinary teams and authored corporate clinical programs and trainings with occupational and physical therapy, respiratory therapy, nursing, dietary, and compliance colleagues. Dr. Heape is a Certified Dementia Practitioner and volunteers with organizations that promote and preserve quality care in the elderly. She has authored numerous continuing education courses and has presented at state and national conferences across the United States. Amber’s professional volunteerism experience includes multiple roles at state and national association levels, in both elected and appointed positions. She has participated on advisory boards for two universities in South Carolina, currently serving on Faculty Senate. She has received multiple professional awards for her volunteerism efforts and is a recent graduate of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association’s Leadership Development Program. Amber’s professional service to the university community includes participating as a content expert and capstone chair for doctoral program students, mentoring graduate student research, and providing students with the opportunity to collaborate and present professionally on topics of speech-language pathology in adult and medical settings. Amber is in her final semester of post-doctoral work to receive a certificate in healthcare education. Melissa Heche, Audiology Academy Melissa Heche, Au.D is the Director of New York Speech and Hearing –a private practice based in NYC that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of auditory disorders, tinnitus, and voice disorders. She is dually certified as a Doctor of Audiology and a Certified Speech Pathologist. She completed her Doctorate of Audiology at Salus University and earned dual Master’s degrees (Speech Pathology/Audiology) at Hofstra University. She also holds a CAOHC certificate as a Professional Supervisor in Hearing Conservation .Dr. Heche works with transit/utility populations in occupational hearing conservation and is a specialist in musician’s hearing healthcare. She is a musician and a certified sound engineer with particular experience in live music venue sound systems. This experience has made her a resource for hearing healthcare in the music industry and has facilitated in depth work in hearing aid technology within the audiological field. She is active with the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) organization, with whom she participates in lobbying events promoting early hearing conservation as a part of music education. Dr. Heche provides informational seminars on topics including: musicians’ hearing healthcare issues, general communication, occupational hearing loss, technology &hearing loss, and business practices. She has been published in national trade journals, discussing increased access to audiological services, noise induced hearing loss, and musician’s hearing healthcare. Using case studies, she is active in research involving tinnitus treatments and perceptive sound processing. Dr. Heche is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology, serving a term as the Secretary/Treasurer on the Board of Directors. She is licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Florida. D. Lynn Jackson, Social Work Academy Lynn Jackson is Associate Professor and Director of Field Education for the TCU Department of Social Work. Responsible for all internships for the BSW and MSW programs, she also takes the lead on IPE initiatives within the department. Also, the Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives for the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences, she oversees the strategic plan, IPE activities, Diversity and Inclusion, and global initiatives, including study abroad. Lynn attended the University of South Florida (BSW) and Florida State University where she graduated with her MSW and PhD in Social Work. She is licensed as an LCSW and has 30 years of professional social work experience (home-health, long-term care, psychiatric services, and residential programs) where she worked and trained other social workers as part of Interprofessional teams. She is an active leader in her professional organization, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) where she is completing a two-year term as President of the Board of Directors for NASW-Texas Chapter. Other service at the national level includes member and Chair of the national Nominations and Leadership Committee (NLIC). Lynn is also a member of the Texas Field Educators Consortium and the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Lynn was honored in 2010, as a Women’s Health Hero for her 20 years advocating for equitable women’s health services. Her volunteer history includes work with the National Network of Abortion Funds, Health Services of North Texas, and the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas. Cathy Jennings, Nursing Academy With nearly 40 years of experience, Cathy Dickinson Jennings currently is the Cardiac Surgery Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) for the Carilion Cardiovascular Institute at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia, a tertiary care Level I Trauma Center and four-time ANCC Magnet Designee. She holds a B.S.N. from Radford University (1980), an M.S.N. from Duke University (1982), and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Case Western Reserve University (2009).In 1983, Cathy was only the second CNS to join Carilion Clinic, where nearly 500 heart surgeries are performed annually. She supports patients and families through the complex experience of cardiac surgery and recovery, providing education, discharge planning, and inter-professional referrals. She leads quality-focused specialty work and Co-Chairs the Interdisciplinary Quality Council for Cardiothoracic Surgery. Cathy is proud to mentor frontline nurses and students to develop and implement quality, evidence-based practice, and research studies; she is a long-term member of the Carilion Institutional Review Board and leads the Nursing Research Council’s Education Sub-Team. She provides specialty education and coordinates the hospital’s Cardiac Surgical Unit-Advanced Life Support education. She has published articles on post-sternotomy wound care, the CNS role, and research mentoring. Her work has been presented at the AACN National Teaching Institute, the AORN Congress and Exposition, and ANCC Magnet Conference. Outside the hospital walls, Cathy facilitates with her community partners an annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (“STEAM Day”) education program that serves hundreds of school-aged children from throughout Southwest Virginia and is the lead organist for her church. Robert Johnson, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy Two designated sub-specialties of Internal Medicine arose during my practice career which began in 1979. These are Critical Care Medicine and Hospice/Palliative Care Medicine. I would argue that both still-evolving fields have been and are prominent in the development and continuing evolution of interprofessional concepts and practice in health care. My early practice quickly evolved to focus on critical care, resulting in a switch from a private practice corporation to employment by a hospital/medical center as Medical Director of Critical Care Services (including medical, cardiac, surgical, neuro, and burns). Those years were a combination of education (postgraduate medical, undergraduate medical, various health care profession trainees including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, clergy). Interdisciplinary, a term at the time predating “interprofessional”, rounds were established and spearheaded a collaborative environment. Critical Care Medicine was first offered as a sub-specialty certification in 1988. I was “grandfathered” into that examination, passing it successfully as well as subsequent recertifications. The years in critical care fostered and coincided with an interest in ethical issues, particularly those related to end-of-life in the acute care setting. Not wishing to retire but desiring a transition, I found a rewarding and useful meld of my experiences and interests. A one-year fellowship in hospice/palliative care medicine (2010 –Ohio State University Medical Center) was followed by 3 years of practice. Returning to my home of Grand Rapids (MI) in 2015, related to parental family health issues, I was fortunate to be offered an opportunity to teach at Kirkhof College of Nursing/Grand Valley State University (KCON/GVSU). This has led to rewarding late career phase: working with many health care profession colleagues familiar from the 32 years of practice in Grand Rapids; developing new professional relationships with faculty colleagues; and most of all working with engaged and dedicated groups of students. My primary activity is as primary instructor for graduate-level Clinical Pathophysiology and Pharmacology as well as a 2-course sequence in Palliative Care. Trudy Johnson, Nursing Academy Trudy Johnson, MA, RN, NEA-BC has been a Chief Nursing Executive Officer since 2008. At Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center, a member of Common Spirit Health, her focus is on building the effectiveness of interprofessional teams to achieve service line quality goals. Recent successful outcomes include improving sepsis mortality rates and response time for activating stroke care. At Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, she improved horizontal integration with ambulatory care, public health and behavioral health to reduce readmissions, ED return visits and avoidable days by improving team member communication and care transition processes. She was the executive champion for selecting and implementing the Clinical Practice Model Professional Practice Framework for interprofessional practice and clinical documentation at Santa Clara. Prior to moving to California Trudy practiced in NY City where she began her journey as a nurse in surgical critical care. Decades later, as Vice President of Quality at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, the organization delivered improved care outcomes and was recognized nationally as a finalist for the AHA McKesson Quest for Quality Prize. She also directed, as the Director of Nursing, Professional Practice and Informatics at Mount Sinai Medical Center, implementation of the professional practice model that improved patient satisfaction, nurse absenteeism and continuity of care. Trudy is a committed thought leader in the field of operational effectiveness, quality and patient safety. Her focus on improving care through process redesign and integration of technology remains at the core of who she is as a nurse and hospital executive. Dr. Laly Joseph, DVM, DNP, CNE, RN, C, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC is currently the Senior Associate Dean& Professor at the Phillips School of Nursing at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, NY. Most recently, she served as an Assistant Professor of Clinical at the University of Miami from 2014-2018. She was the Associate Director, Clinical Assistant Professor & RN-BSN-MSN program director at Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ from 2002-2014. She was a practicing Veterinarian before making a career change to the nursing field. Dr. Joseph’s academic and clinical specialty areas include management, adult health, oncology, mobile technology, virtual simulation, gerontology, palliative, and hospice nursing. She has held various leadership roles as a Nurse Manager, Administrative Nursing Supervisor, Program Director, Director of Education, Sigma Epsilon Rho & Beta Tau Chapter Leader and President, Sole proprietor of LJ NP Partners, International Nursing Consultant, & United Nations Delegate. Dr. Joseph has presented nationally and internationally and published on topics such as yoga and its benefits on chronic back pain, mobile technology use to reduce medication errors, caring behaviors of nurses, exploring the boundaries of palliative & hospice care, virtual simulation, and palliative and end-of-life care integration in the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Dr. Joseph holds Critical Care and Oncology certifications, End of Life Nursing Consortium training on palliative and end-of-life care, ANCC board certification in Medical-Surgical Nursing and Adult Nurse Practitioner. She is a Certified Nurse Educator by the National League for Nursing and currently a scholar at the Experienced Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy with Sigma. Hossein Khalili, Nursing Academy Dr. Hossein Khalili, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD is an internationally recognized scholar, expert, and leader in the field of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP), and serves as the Director of University of Wisconsin Centre of Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University. He is the Co-Founding Lead of the Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research (InterprofessionalResearch. Global), serves as a Member of Leadership Team with the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice (Interprofessional.Global), a Board Member of Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC)and CASN Accreditation Bureau. Dr. Khalili also serves in the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Interprofessional care, Journal of Geriatric Medicine, and Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research. Dr. Khalili primary research focuses are on interprofessional education and socialization, team-based care, patient engagement and partnership, and interprofessional simulation. He has developed and tested a new framework, called Interprofessional Socialization Framework (IPSF) to assist students/educators/practitioners developing a dual professional and interprofessional identity (Dual Identity) as the first step for IPECP. Dr. Khalili has also (co)developed and standardized several IPECP assessment tools including Dual Identity Scale (DIS), Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS), AITCS-II (Student), and the Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scales (ISVS, ISVS-A & ISVS-B). He has conducted (as PI or Co-I) more than 20 research projects with over $6 million in funding, has published over 35 journal papers/reports, and presented more than 100abstracts and invited speech in local and inter/national conferences. Dr. Khalili has demonstrated his excellence in integrating research, teaching, and leadership and has received numerous prestigious awards including, but not limited to: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Nomination for Outstanding Achievement ACE Nursing Graduate Guarantee (NGG) Award; FHS Nomination for Fanshawe President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Research/Innovation; Western FHS Recognition of Excellence Awards (2010 and 2016); Western Teaching Honour Roll Awards (2010 and 2015); the Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group Award from Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario; Graduate Research Thesis Award; the Recognition of Excellence in Research award; Dean’s Award for Research Excellence –2nd Place. Ruth Kleinpell, Nursing Academy Dr. Ruth Kleinpell is currently Assistant Dean for Clinical Scholarship, Independence Foundation Chair for Nursing Education, and Professor at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Professor, Rush University College of Nursing. She is certified as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and is known nationally and internationally for her work on advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) models of care and outcomes. She has conducted research related to the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner role that has served to promote the role of APRNs in interprofessional practice. She has published and presented on a number of clinical and professional topics. She has served as editor for the book “Outcome Assessment for Advanced Practice Nursing”, now in its fourth edition, which highlights the impact of APRNs to interprofessional care. She is past president of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the 3rdnurse to serve in this capacity in the 46-year history of the organization. She is also a past president of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses, an international organization with over 40 country members representing over 500,000 critical care nurses worldwide. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, the American College of Critical Care Medicine, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the Institute of the Medicine of Chicago. Among her various honors, she was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame. Most recently she received the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 2019 Distinguished Service Award for significant contributions to the organization. Joanne Knoesel, Nursing Academy I have been a registered nurse for 37 years. For 22 years I worked in critical care caring for acutely ill patients, their families, and enabling them to return to their communities at their highest level of functioning. In order to achieve my professional goals, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education, a master’s degree in Nursing Education, and a PhD in Nursing. For six years I worked in Urgent Care in a University Student Health Care Center and was immersed in the lives and well-being of college students in New York City. I began my academic career nine years ago at Pace University and have been fortunate to have colleagues to mentor and guide me as I continue to develop as an Assistant Professor. My contributions to the Profession and to Interprofessional Practice include; Public Service –Member of the Northwell Health, Lenox Hill Hospital’s nursing research team. Member of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s curriculum advisory board to revise new graduate nursing orientation, education, and transition to practice. Publications –focus on educational assessment, teaching strategies that foster learning, and the development of critical thinking. Awards Received –Pace University’s STAR team award 2013, our team provided simulated activities to undergraduate nursing students after several of our clinical partners were unable to allow students to attend clinical after hurricane Irene devasted their facilities. Elected Office –Secretary of our Omega Delta chapter for Sigma Theta Tau International. Specialty Certification –Board Certified in Medical-Surgical Nursing (AACN), Certified Nurse Educator (NLN). Janet Koehnke, Audiology Academy Janet Koehnke is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders at Montclair State University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2012 she was named a Fellow of ASHA. She currently serves as the ASHA Vice President for Academic Affairs in Audiology and on the ASHA National Advisory Committee for the Audiology Praxis; she is Past-President of the New Jersey Academy of Audiology. In 2017, she was appointed by the Governor to serve on the New Jersey Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Advisory Board. Her research focuses on the effects of aging and hearing loss on binaural and spatial hearing and she has numerous publications and presentations in this area. Her work has been funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health as well as private foundations. She is involved in Interprofessional Research and Collaborative Practice and serves as an ASHA member representative to the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC). Recently she has conducted research in interprofessional education and presented this work at national and international meetings. M. Samantha Lewis, Audiology Academy M. Samantha Lewis completed the Master of Arts in Communication Science (Audiology) at the University of Connecticut in 1998 and her clinical fellowship year at the Washington University School of Medicine in 1999. She subsequently obtained her Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Florida in 2002. In 2002, she accepted a position at the VA Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Service National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR) at the VA Portland Health Care System in Portland, Oregon. She completed the VA RR&D Service Career Development Program and received funding for her research activities through the VA RR&D Service, the Department of Defense, private industry, and private foundations. She also served at the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development (2016-2017).After a 15-year research career, Dr. Lewis joined the faculty in the School of Audiology at Pacific University, where she serves as an associate professor and academic education lead. She teaches courses within the School of Audiology, as well as in the College of Health Professions. She also is a member of the Pacific University Graduate Faculty, which allows her to mentor Doctor of Philosophy students in the Education and Leadership Program. Over the years, Dr. Lewis has held multiple volunteer roles with her professional organizations. The most notable was her role on the Board of Directors for the American Academy of Audiology. Laura Lewis, Social Work Academy Laura Lewis, PhD, is the Assistant Dean for Global Partnerships and Director of Field Education at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. Dr. Lewis’ work has focused on expanding inter-professional practice opportunities for students regionally and internationally, and on developing university-community partnerships that facilitate the integration of health and behavioral health services. In 2015, with colleagues from University at Albany, University at Binghamton, University at Brockport, Nazareth, Roberts Wesleyan, Syracuse University and five VA Centers across the upstate region, developed the Upstate New York Mental and Behavioral Health Consortium. The Consortium created a cadre of social work graduates with the skills needed to alleviate barriers and improve the quality of care available for veterans and military families in the Western New York region. She also helped to establish in 2017 the first of its kind collaboration between social work, nursing, and psychology, creating the University at Buffalo’s Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program. Dr. Lewis was the recipient of the 2012 Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Leadership Scholarship and serves as Chair of CSWE’s Council on Field Education Research and Publication Committee. She was awarded a Fulbright in 2018 for her work in international education. She has presented and published in the areas of university-community partnership, and the role of technology in creating communities of practice. Michael Lindsey, Social Work Academy Dr. Michael A. Lindsey is a noted scholar in the fields of child and adolescent mental health, as well as a leader in the search for knowledge and solutions to generational poverty and inequality. He is the Executive Director of the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University (NYU), the Martin Silver Professor of Poverty Studies at NYU Silver School of Social Work, and an Aspen Health Innovators Fellow. He also leads a university-wide Strategies to Reduce Inequality initiative from the McSilver Institute. At McSilver, Dr. Lindsey leads a team of researchers, clinicians, social workers and other professionals who are committed to creating new knowledge about the root causes of poverty, developing evidence-based interventions to address its consequences, and rapidly translating their findings into action through policy and best practices. Among their latest work is a three-year research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to study the effectiveness of a novel treatment intervention for keeping Black adolescents engaged in depression treatment. Previously, Dr. Lindsey was an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work and a Faculty Affiliate at the University of Maryland Department of Psychiatry’s Center for School Mental Health. Dr. Lindsey leads the working group of experts supporting the Congressional Black Caucus Emergency Taskforce on Black Youth Suicide and Mental Health. Also, he is a standing member of Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) National Advisory Council at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. As well, he is on the editorial board of the journal Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Dr. Lindsey holds a PhD in social work and MPH from the University of Pittsburgh, an MSW from Howard University, and a BA in sociology from Morehouse College. Mary Loghmani, Physical Therapy Academy M. Terry Loghmani, PT, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Indiana University (IU), School of Health and Human Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy (PT), on faculty since 1998. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in PT (IU, 1983), Master’s in PT (University of Indianapolis, 1993), and doctorate in Anatomy and Cell Biology (IU, 2010). She is dedicated to interprofessional education and practice, and research in healthcare. Loghmani is a co-investigator on a multi-disciplinary team supported by the IU Grand Challenge “Responding to the Addictions Crisis” grant, “Leveraging interprofessional education to improve training for future health professionals in pain management, alternatives to opioids, and better prescribing practices” (Dr. Andrea Pfeifle, PI). She is founding PT Faculty Advisor at the IU Health Family Medicine Center Comprehensive Pain Assessment Clinic (CoPAC), a major outcome of this collaboration. Her translational research focuses on exploring the effects of non-invasive physical therapeutics on endogenous tissue healing, repair and regeneration in musculoskeletal pain conditions, in collaboration with multiple disciplines. She is a member of the International Consortium on Regenerative Rehabilitation Leadership Delegation, an interprofessional coalition aimed to advance the emerging field of rehabilitation and regenerative medicine. One of Loghmani’s greatest passions is the IU Student Outreach Clinic (IUSOC). IUSOC is multi-disciplinary, pro-bono, student-led clinic that helps meet healthcare needs in an underserved population on the near eastside of Indianapolis. She has served as founding IUSOC PT Faculty Advisor since 2012. She studies the impact of students’ community engagement on professional development and interprofessional role identity at IUSOC. Danilo Lovinaria, Nursing Academy Dr. Lovinaria is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Program Director at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing (SON). With over 17 years of nurse anesthesia clinical expertise, he expertly integrates his clinical experiences throughout the DNP nurse anesthesia specialty curriculum promoting patient safety, clinical competence, interprofessional collaboration, and quality for his students. Through interprofessional collaboration, he has co-authored four book chapters in the Oncologic Critical Care textbook. His anesthesia expertise has provided these book chapters fill the knowledge gap in the areas of perioperative considerations, complications, and postoperative care for cancer patients. He has been the primary investigator and received HRSA Nurse Anesthesia Trainee and GE Healthcare grants. Dr. Lovinaria has demonstrated outstanding service with state, national, and international organizations including President of the Minnesota Association of Nurse Anesthetists, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Communications Committee Chairperson, board member of the Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program, AANA representative for the Nurses On Boards Coalition, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation social media ambassador, AANA/MANA State Peer Advisor, NBCRNA CPCA Oversight Subcommittee, and lead CRN Aexpert for the Philippine Department of Health for the nurse anesthesia pilot program. Dr. Lovinaria advocates his global perspective of scholarship by promoting safe and quality patient-centered care, transformative leadership, innovation, collaborative and excellence in healthcare. He was the first VA CRNA to be part of the LEAD program with interprofessionals for VA VISN 23 region and most recently selected to be one of the interprofessional VA Quality Scholar Fellows. Andre Maccabe, Veterinary Medicine Academy Dr. Andrew T. Maccabe is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC).He received his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from The Ohio State University in 1981 and 1985, respectively. Dr. Maccabe began his professional career in Jefferson, Ohio where he worked in a mixed animal practice with primary emphasis on dairy herd health. In 1988, he was commissioned as a Public Health Officer in the U.S. Air Force where he managed the preventive medicine activities of several Air Force installations and directed programs in occupational health, communicable disease control, and health promotion. Dr. Maccabe completed his Master of Public Health degree at Harvard University in 1995. That same year he became Chief of the Health Risk Assessment Branch of the U.S. Air Force where he directed the health risk assessment program for environmental restoration activities throughout the Air Force. Dr. Maccabe completed his Juris Doctor degree, Magna Cum Laude, at the University of Arizona in 2002. He subsequently joined the AAVMC where he led programs to advance veterinary medical education. In 2007, he was appointed as CDC’s Liaison to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration where he coordinated policies and programs between the two agencies before returning to AAVMC as the CEO in 2012.Dr. Maccabe holds memberships in many professional organizations including the American Veterinary Medical Association, the District of Columbia Veterinary Medical Association, and the Pride Veterinary Medical Community. He is a member of the State Bar of Arizona, the Bar of the District of Columbia, and a Licensed Patent Attorney. After 24 years of service in the U.S. Air Force, he retired as a Colonel in 2017. Celia MacDonnell, Pharmacy Academy Dr. Celia P. MacDonnell, B Pharm, PharmD, is a Clinical Professor at the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy. Her teaching and research interests focus on interprofessional education pedagogy. She has worked for the development and advancement of inter-professional education in the state of Rhode Island. She has been instrumental in the development of cooperative educational coursework, conducted with the University’s College of Nursing, and Physical Therapy, Rhode Island College Graduate School of Social Work and the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University. She has presented her work at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education annual meetings. Dr. MacDonnell has numerous publications. She and her colleagues were honored in 2012 as the recipients of the Rufus Lyman Award for their research on interprofessional education which was published in AJPE. Dr. MacDonnell also regularly serves as a peer reviewer for IPE/IPP manuscripts in both national and international journals. Dr. MacDonnell is the recipient of many individual excellence awards including: Teacher of the Year, and the Bowl of Hygeia. In addition to this, prior to her career in academia, she was honored with the Meritorious Civilian Service Award from the Department of the Navy. She received this prestigious award for the development and implementation of a patient pocket prescription profile. This early method of medication reconciliation is now standardly distributed to patients receiving services throughout all Military Healthcare facilities. Rosalie Mainous, Nursing Academy Rosalie Mainous is Dean and Professor of the College of Nursing at Texas Woman’s University. Previously the Director of Academic Nursing Development at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in Washington, DC., she led the remodeling of a multi-level leadership portfolio and developed national academic nursing leadership competencies Dr. Mainous has had a diverse background in education, practice and research, which includes practice as a neonatal nurse practitioner. As the only nurse appointed to the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Fetus and Newborn, she contributed to the development of numerous clinical practice guidelines, in use across the country. Further, she served on the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Countering the US Opioid Epidemic. She established an Interprofessional Dedicated Education Unit, which brought together nursing, medicine and pharmacy students in team-based care. While the dean in the College of Nursing and Health at Wright State University, she administered a nurse managed clinic for student health services. Early in her career she was a funded NIH researcher studying cerebral blood flow patterns in preterm infants and served as the research section editor for the journal, Advances in Neonatal Care. A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow in 2009, she co-authored a paper that was included in the IOM’s report on the Future of Nursing. Her current professional goals include the development and expansion of academic practice partnerships to benefit the health needs of the community. Joscelyn Martin, Audiology Academy Joscelyn Martin is a pediatric audiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where she has practiced for over 20 years. She received her Master of Arts degree in Audiology and Hearing Sciences from Northwestern University in 1994 and her Doctor of Audiology degree from Central Michigan University in 2002. She holds Pediatric Audiology Specialty Certification (PASC) from the American Board of Audiology. Dr. Martin developed an interest in pediatric audiology while serving as a faculty member and preceptor at Northwestern University in the late 1990s. She has been coordinator of the Mayo Clinic Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program since its inception in 1999. In addition to early intervention for children with hearing loss, she is passionate about child and family centered counseling and the positive effect that it has on the diagnostic and re/habilitative process for the families with whom she works. Dr. Martin actively volunteers in the local and national audiology community. She has served as President of the Minnesota Academy of Audiology (MAA)and is a current member and former chair of the Minnesota Newborn Hearing Screening Advisory Council. She has volunteered for a number of committees for the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) and was Program Chair for the 2016 AudiologyNOW! conference. She served as a Trustee for the AAA Foundation and a Director for the American Board of Audiology. Dr. Martin was awarded the Honors of the Academy from the MAA in 2009 and was selected for the Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference in 2010. Colleen Marzilli, Nursing Academy Dr. Marzilli currently serves as an associate professor and program coordinator at The University of Texas at Tyler. She teaches in the BSN, MSN, and Doctoral programs, and she currently coordinates the Concurrent BSN and the CONHS International Program. Dr. Marzilli earned her BSN, MSN, MBA, and PhD from the University of Texas at Tyler. She earned her DNP in Public Health Nursing from The University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. She has numerous professional certifications that support her commitment to excellence in practice. Dr. Marzilli is committed to leadership and is a proud Presidential Executive Fellow, and Distinguished Fellow at UT Tyler. She is a graduate of numerous leadership development programs including Leadership Women’s Leadership Pipeline and Leadership Texas Class of 2018, and she is a graduate of Leadership Tyler Class 32.Dr. Marzilli is committed to the profession and is active in local and national professional organizations. She has served in many roles with the Texas Nurses Association (TNA)at the local and state level. She has served with Sigma Theta Tau, The International Honor Society for Nursing as a chapter board member with offices including president. Dr. Marzilli is committed to advancing research and scholarship in the health professions and has published research in cultural competence, health systems, leadership, and education. She has presented this research at the local, state, national, and international level. She is passionate about nursing leadership and empowering nurses their professional and leadership journey. Juli Maxworthy, Nursing Academy Juli Maxworthy, DNP, MSN/MBA, RN, CNL, CPHQ, CPPS, CHSE, FSSH is an academic and collaborator/integrator. As an academic, she is a tenured Associate Professor at the University of San Francisco. She has taught undergraduate and graduate students focusing on leadership, project management, quality/patient safety, and healthcare simulation. Prior to becoming an academic she was a Vice President of Quality. She has spoken locally, nationally, and internationally on multiple topics. As a collaborator/integrator, she has successfully worked across disciplines to improve the field of healthcare simulation. In 2017, she was inducted into the inaugural class of the SSH Fellows Academy. She is one of the lead authors/editors of the only endorsed textbook by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), the largest international interprofessional healthcare simulation organization. Defining Excellence in Healthcare Simulation is the leading interprofessional resource for the field with over 100 authors. Dr. Maxworthy has authored five books, multiple articles and book chapters. Dr Maxworthy has been involved with several international boards. In August she was elected President-Elect for SSH where she currently serves as a Director and was previously Secretary (2017-2019). As a board member she led the interprofessional work on revising the organization’s mission statement. She has led the successful Inter Organizational Taskforce which brought together several interprofessional international organizations to develop collaborative programs. Dr. Maxworthy is currently the Vice President for Sigma Theta Tau, a 135,000-membership nursing organization. She has held multiple roles for Sigma including Chair of the Foundation Board and Regional Coordinator.
Susan M. Meyer, Pharmacy Academy Susan M. Meyer, PhD, is director of the Pitt Interprofessional Center for Health Careers, co-director of the Pitt Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and associate dean for education and professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Dr. Meyer serves as a member of Pitt’s Working Group on Interprofessional Education, composed of leaders from the Schools of Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Medicine, Public Health, Nursing, and Social Work. Dr. Meyer began her career as an assistant professor at Rutgers University College of Pharmacy. From 1990 to 2006, Dr. Meyer served in senior staff roles at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Dr. Meyer earned a BS Pharmacy from Ohio Northern University and MS and PhD degrees in pharmacy education from Purdue University. In 2001, Dr. Meyer was recognized as a Purdue University School of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumna for significant contributions to the profession of pharmacy. Dr. Meyer received a similar recognition from Ohio Northern University in 2011.In 2019, Dr. Meyer received the Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award from AACP. In 2010-11, Dr. Meyer served as a member of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC)Expert Panel that authored Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. She also served as lead author for the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research resource Advancing Interprofessional Clinical Prevention and Population Health Education: Curriculum Development Guide for Health Professions Faculty. Dr. Meyer serves on the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s Nexus Learning System Advisory Committee.
Katherine Moran, Nursing Academy Dr. Katherine Moran, Associate Dean for Graduate Nursing Programs and Associate Professor at Grand Valley State University (GVSU), Kirkhof College of Nursing has broad interprofessional experience as an advocate for social justice and care provider for the underserved. She was the co-owner of My Self-Management Team, Inc. during which time she provided care, consultation, and education for patients with chronic disease in the primary care setting and coordinated interprofessional care through the Michigan Primary Care Transformation Project. This experience afforded her with unique insight to the needs of the patient and the interprofessional healthcare team in this setting. Further, she is a national expert in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project and the co-author of an award-winning textbook, The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success. This text is the primary resource used by universities across the U.S. to guide students and faculty on the DNP project. She also has extensive experience providing consultation for graduate programs seeking to develop the DNP degree. Finally, as a principle investigator (PI) and co-PI on several grants, she has far-reaching experience leading interprofessional teams. She is currently the PI for an Advance Nursing Education Workforce grant, totaling $2,799,987, which is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. This innovative grant is a collaborative effort between GVSU, McLaren Health System, and Mercy Health Muskeg onto meet the healthcare needs of rural/underserved communities in Michigan.
Deborah Myers, Pharmacy Academy Deborah Myers is a Safety Evaluator, Division of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis (DMEPA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where Deborah prospectively reviews proprietary names, labeling, and packaging, as well as medication error reports sent to FDA MedWatch. Working at the FDA in Washington, D.C., would be the fulfillment of a dream that seemed beyond possibility for this Midwest girl graduating with degrees in Pharmacy and Biology from Ohio Northern, in Ada, Ohio. The prevention of medication errors and patient safety have been a continuing theme and professional passion throughout Deborah’s career. Deborah began her career as a Registered Pharmacist in Ohio working in hospital and community pharmacy. During this time Deborah assisted in developing efficient prescription workflow processes currently used by numerous retail pharmacy corporations and implementation of pharmacists performing immunizations at the patient’s convenience, at a point when pharmacies offered flu shots during a few hours on one specific date. After 18 years Deborah went back to school and completed her MBA at The Ohio State University, while working full time managing a pharmacy and being a single parent. Following graduation Deborah worked in the pharmaceutical industry in Drug Information, Labeling, and Drug Safety. As Deborah’s daughter headed off to college, Deborah moved to D.C. taking a position as the Deputy Director of the Patient Safety Analysis Center, U.S. Department of Defense, where she oversaw the collecting, assessing, analyzing, and reporting on the nature and frequency of errors related to patient care throughout the military healthcare system.
Patricia Nellis, Occupational Therapy Academy Dr. Patricia Nellis, OTD, OTR/L, MBA is the Director of Washington University Occupational Therapy Clinical and Community Practice Program. She is currently involved in building team-based practice models in the areas of neurology, gerontology, orthopedics, rheumatology, oncology, and primary care. Her interests are alternative health care delivery models including team-based care and community integration, functional risk identification in adults with multiple morbidities, occupation-based health promotion strategies for individuals aging with disease and disability and expanding experiential learning opportunities for health care students. She was instrumental in setting up the Washington University Student Run Free Stroke Clinic that serves to educate students and provide health services to underserved populations in the St. Louis area. She also worked with four other professions to develop a transitions of care learning module that has been successfully delivered to over 200 graduate students. Dr. Nellis successfully worked with researchers from Washington University as well as team members in the WU OT practice and at St. Louis Children’s hospital to develop a pilot program for NICU infants who were transitioning from the hospital to home. This program, Baby Bridge, serves to “bridge” the gap in services when these high-risk infants are discharged home, delivering medical / developmental care until early intervention services are initiated. It continues as a vital program today. Dr. Nellis received her Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and her clinical Occupational Therapy Doctorate degree from A.T. Still University in Mesa, Arizona.
Patricia Nelson, Physical Therapy Academy Patricia Nelson received her B.S. in Exercise Physiology and a B.S. in Physical Therapy from the University of Minnesota; and a ScD in Advanced Orthopedic Physical Therapy from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in with an emphasis in education pedagogy. She is currently an Associate Professor at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor where she teaches orthopedics, professionalism and women’s health content. She began the interprofessional education programming for the Mayborn College of Health Sciences and was appointed director of this initiative in 2019. She aims to bring collaborative practice ideals into this growing community of health professional students who will apply these to improve the health of the local community.
Dr. Nowak research addresses public health issues with a focus on disaster preparedness. She currently is an assistant and Department Chairperson of Nursing Programs at the College of Saint Elizabeth. Since earning her DNP in 2013, the 3-step disaster triage teaching method she developed has been adopted both nationally and internationally, featured in50 countries. Dr. Nowak developed the first student nurse disaster response certificate program for the Department of Health, which resulted in 250 student nurse volunteers in the first two years of the program. She is a United Nations Nursing Delegate, where she consults with 193 member nations presenting nursing viewpoints. As Pan American President for CICIAMS (an international Catholic Organization) she assists country presidents from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, North America, and Oceania in the development of public health focused projects. Her volunteer efforts in nursing gained her recognition as the sole recipient of Nurse of the Year by the GEM Organization. She has led many comprehensive interprofessional community service projects and is known for developing creative solutions to public health problems. Dr. Nowak has integrated evidence-based practice, creative innovations in health care delivery for over 40 years while addressing health needs of populations, including diverse, at-risk, and disenfranchised individuals. Dr. Nowak has earned three master degrees from: Temple University, John Hopkins School of Public Health and from Thomas Jefferson University. Her DNP was awarded by Case Western University.
Janice Palaganas, Nursing Academy Dr. Janice Palaganas is the Director of Educational Innovation and Development for the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) in Boston, Massachusetts and faculty for Harvard Medical School, Department of Anesthesia, and Interprofessional Studies at the Institute for Health Professions, Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Palaganas has developed a passion in teamwork from her background as an emergency nurse, trauma nurse practitioner, director of emergency and critical care services, and faculty for schools of medicine, nursing, allied health, management, and emergency medicine. As a behavioral scientist and former clinician and administrator, Dr. Palaganas’ passion is in using healthcare simulation as a platform for interprofessional education (IPE) and has served as a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s (Institute of Medicine) report on measuring the impact of IPE on practice. Dr. Palaganas’ primary role is to develop educators in an IPE setting. She led the CMS’s Instructor Course educating educators in simulation globally and developed an interprofessional virtual campus as the principal investigator of a board grant awarded by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Dr. Palaganas has shaped the field of simulation, led the development of the Society for Simulation’s (SSH) Accreditation and Certification Program, was the editor-in-chief of two textbooks in simulation, authored seminal articles and field-changing research including the national study for high-stakes assessment using simulation. Dr. Palaganas has been an invited keynote speaker and visiting professor in 40 countries. She is leading the creation of the first PhD in IPE and another PhD in Healthcare Simulation within the MGH IHP.
Karen Panzarella, Physical Therapy Academy Dr. Karen J. Panzarella is an Associate Professor at D’Youville, in Buffalo, NY; a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator and TeamSTEPPS master trainer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy, a master’s degree in exercise science and a PhD in Educational Psychology all from the University at Buffalo. She has thirty years of experience as a healthcare clinician and more than twenty years as an educator. She instructs courses in physical therapy education on professional development, advocacy, and aging, supervises clinical education and practices in subacute rehabilitation. Dr. Panzarella is driven by the crisis of avoidable medical errors leading to the third cause of death in the US and believes that training and education in collaborative care is a worthwhile solution. Currently Dr. Panzarella serves as D’Youville’s Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education where she has created a robust interprofessional curriculum involving over 40 faculty and 500 students annually. Dr. Panzarella is a key player in the development and planning of D’Youville’s 50,000 sq. ft. Health Professions HUB which will break ground for construction in September 2019. She is leading the efforts for its care component, a collaborative community primary care clinic with rehabilitation and a medically oriented gym and the comprehend component, simulation-based education training. Her research focuses on the use of healthcare simulation for collaborative practice. She strives to facilitate the transition from the academic to clinic environment for optimal patient care and safety utilizing team-based approaches.
Sharon Pape, Occupational Therapy Academy Sharon Pape MS, OTR is a Senior Lecturer at Indiana University Department of Occupational Therapy. Her education background is BS in Occupational Therapy, 1987, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee; MS in Health Sciences Education, 2006, Indiana University; and Doctor of Occupational Therapy (completion in October 2019) Saint Louis University. In addition, Sharon has over 30 years of clinical experience in mental health, rural health, and post-acute care. Her teaching expertise includes occupational therapy practice in primary care, clinical and interprofessional education. Sharon is the founding faculty advisor for the occupational therapy clinic at the Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic (IUSOC). Established in 2009, IUSOC is an integrative, interprofessional student-run clinic providing gratuitous health and wellness services to the greater Indianapolis community. Sharon’s leadership at IUSOC led to the creation of a new clinical rotation (fieldwork) at IUSOC for students enrolled in the IU entry-level OTD program. Additionally, Sharon has an extensive record of professional presentations from her teaching efforts at IUSOC at the national and state levels. Sharon’s current scholarship explores effects from interprofessional pedagogical approaches conducted at a student-run clinic. Together with M. Terry Loghmani Ph.D., PT, they examined perceptions and knowledge of professional identities, roles and responsibilities among occupational and physical therapy students volunteering at IUSOC. For her doctoral capstone, Sharon explored OT and PT students’ perceptions of values, beliefs and behaviors related to interprofessional socialization within IUSOC. Her capstone has been accepted to present at the 2020 American Occupational Therapy Association annual conference in Boston, MA.
Dr. Karen Pardue is the Dean for the Westbrook College of Health Professions at the University of New England (UNE). She brings many years of curriculum development, outcomes assessment and specialty accreditation expertise to this role. Her research focuses on nursing/ health profession education, interprofessional (IPE) curriculum development/evaluation and academic leadership. She led the design and implementation of UNE’s innovative undergraduate IPE coursework. Her experience as a nurse administrator is diverse, working in associate, RN-to-BSN, baccalaureate, and master’s degree programs. For a decade, she provided academic leadership to a novel RN-to-BSN international partnership involving UNE and Israel College in Tel Aviv. Nationally, she served two-terms as Chair for the National League for Nursing (NLN) Task Group on Innovation in Nursing Education and as a mentor for the Johnson & Johnson/ NLN Faculty Mentoring program. Nominated by Governor Paul LePage of Maine in 2013, she serves on the New England Board of Higher Education, and she currently Chairs the Maine delegation. Karen has published and presented widely on IPE and educational innovation. She was inducted as a Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education in 2007, and currently provides leadership to the Academy Selection panel. Karen has over 3million dollars of grant funded projects from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Bingham Foundation, Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, National League for Nursing, and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation addressing development and evaluation of interprofessional education models and academic nursing leadership.
Angela Patterson, Occupational Therapy Academy Angela Patterson, OTD, OTR/L is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and Master of Science in Rehabilitation degree programs at Creighton University. She is the coordinator for the Creighton Rehabilitation International Summer Program; an interprofessional immersion program for international students. Angela is a 1999 graduate of Creighton’s Bachelor of Occupational Therapy program and 2015 graduate of Creighton’s post-professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy program. She currently serves on the curriculum committee for Creighton’s Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research. Angela is a board member for a local pro-bono interprofessional healthcare clinic. She collaborates with health science faculty in physical therapy, nursing and pharmacy to coordinate and administer local and international clinical experiences as well as an online experience focused on violence across the lifespan. Angela’s career as a clinical occupational therapist has consisted of a diversity of practices in a multi-location healthcare system including acute care, inpatient acute rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, seating and positioning clinic and ergonomics. She began assisting in academia in 2006 and fully transitioned to education in 2012. Her research and grant projects are coordinated with an interprofessional team investigating evidenced based practice, violence across the lifespan and cultural competency. She has attended and presented at Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) as well as discipline specific conferences nationally and internationally. Marcia Potter, Nursing Academy Col Marcia A. Potter is a Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Master Clinician for the Air Force. She is integral to the academic and clinical development of Family Nurse Practitioners in the Air Force and Primary Care delivery in the National Capital Region (NCR). Col Potter has served in a variety of positions in the US Air Force, including Flight Commander, Family Health Clinic, Medical Operations Squadron Commander, and FNP Consultant to the Air Force Surgeon General. Her current role includes influencing policy and decision-making for such diverse projects as the NCR Academic Health System, Chair, Optimizing Primary Care, and the creation of multiple projects: Spiritual Care in Primary Care; Person-Centered Caring Communication Simulation Training; and the Person-Centered Caring Partnership Model for the AF Nurse Corps.
Allen Prettyman, Nursing Academy Dr. Allen Prettyman applies his expertise in interdisciplinary preventive healthcare and blends it with his administrative experience to lead healthcare innovations. His educational trajectory has focused on families and applying a holistic model and approach to healthcare. Dr. Prettyman works to provide nursing students with an interdisciplinary educational platform to learn and apply clinical skills. In addition, he successfully balances the role of expert nurse practitioner providing care to individuals with administration responsibilities (e.g. staffing, clinical outcomes protections, budget). He strives for unsurpassed excellence in clinical outcomes and to this end develops ongoing collaborative relationships with interdisciplinary translational team members. He is acutely aware of the importance of communication among all team members and of constructing a realistic healthcare plan, timeline, and budget. Dr. Prettyman has two leadership positions in the University of Arizona – College of Nursing. The first is his role as Family Nurse Practitioner Specialty Coordinator responsible for oversight of the curriculum and clinical placement of students. This provides the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and advocate that students are exposed to models of interprofessional healthcare delivery in the classroom and in the clinical environment. His second role is Director of Faculty Practice with responsibility to envision, engage with partners and enact direct clinical practice initiatives that are contemporary, innovative and of high quality within the health care delivery marketplace. Such initiatives are meant to advance opportunities for academic faculty clinical practice and provide novel venues or means for integrating teaching and research with practice.
Jessica Maack Rangel, Nursing Academy With over 30 years’ experience in the medical field, Jessica Maack Rangel has led as an expert in Patient Safety, High Reliability and Patient Advocacy environment at local, national and international levels. Creating patient safety and advocacy program presentations and curricula for international implementation, Jessica has fostered an inter-professional approach to improve patient and family outcomes. She is a master’s prepared, Registered Nurse who has extensive involvement in various healthcare settings’ process redesign for patient safety outcomes. She is recognized academically through Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, leadership and patient safety awards. Jessica has served as the Patient Safety Officer for both very large corporate, acute care systems and smaller acute care facilities, most notably leading a system during the Ebola Crisis. She has served on several Advisory Boards: National Quality Forum, Medication Safety Subcommittees, Texas Nurses’ Association End of Life Expert Advisor and The Professional Patient Advocate Institute Advisory Board. She is currently serving on the Board of Trustees for Cuisine for Healing. She is a member of the National Patient Safety Foundation and American Society of Professionals in Patient Safety. She is a published, regular contributor to nursing textbooks as well as numerous articles regarding leadership, patient safety and advocacy. Currently serving as the Director, Nurse Executive with Safer Care Texas at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, she still maintains her Master Trainer TeamSTEPPS, Master Change Agent and Change Acceleration Process status as well as multiple clinical certifications. Jessica obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Armstrong Atlantic University followed by her Masters of Science from Mountain State University. She is currently enrolled in Harvard University’s patient safety curriculum focusing currently on the national opioid crisis. She served as a clinical instructor for both nursing and advance paramedic studies. Her early career included Level I Emergency Department nursing, flight nursing and neuro-trauma nursing. Jessica continues to be a passionate champion for vulnerable populations to include healthcare workers who are often second victims of harm.
Tyler Reimschisel, Medicine Academy Dr. Tyler Reimschisel is the Founding Associate Provost for Interprofessional Education, Research and Collaborative Practice at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic. In this role he coordinates interprofessional education and collaborative practice programming for graduate and undergraduate students and faculty with an emphasis on community-based interprofessional projects. His primary interests in the field of health professions education include working-learning health systems, interprofessional practice, health systems science, team-based learning, the quiet learner, and leadership skills. He is board-certified in Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology, Clinical Biochemical Genetics, and Clinical Genetics. His primary clinical interests include the evaluation and management of children with inborn metabolic diseases and other genetic conditions that cause neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as global developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy. He and his wife, Terisa, have five children and live in Solon, OH.
Lydia Rotondo, Nursing Academy As the Associate Dean for Education and Students Affairs and Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice(DNP)Program at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, Dr. Rotondo’s nearly 40-year career spanning practice, education, and leadership has positioned her to advance a vision for education centered around preparing nurses to generate and translate knowledge in the care of individuals, communities, and populations, as trusted, integral interprofessional team members and leaders of collaborative initiatives. Dr. Rotondo has devoted her entire career to ensuring excellence in all aspects of professional nursing, which can be traced to her early clinical practice contributing to teams caring for critically ill patients and developing innovative clinical programs for management of vascular disease. Currently, she is leading nursing education forward by providing a strong voice for innovation and reform. She is championing the expansion of educational technology and interprofessional clinical learning environments and is co-creating new academic-practice partnerships to enhance both student learning and collaborative practice to optimize patient care and health care delivery. She has also actively contributed to the national dialogue on DNP scholarship and curriculum development and contributed to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’ white paper on the nurse practitioner clinical scholar role. Dr. Rotondo’s leadership style is distinguished by inclusiveness and stakeholder engagement to foster achievement of group goals while simultaneously creating collaborative networks to accomplish more than was even considered possible. She received her BSN from Georgetown University, MSN from the University of Pennsylvania, and DNP from Vanderbilt University.
Cathy Rozmus’ interprofessional collaborative work has led to substantive, sustained and outstanding impacts. These collaborations remain imbedded in work throughout my career resulting in policy and protocol development in international health care delivery systems, adoption of unique interventions by healthcare delivery systems, and changes in ethics education of interprofessional students at multiple levels. These activities led to improvement in the health status of individuals living in underdeveloped countries. Her presentations and publications are used at national and international levels to change the practice of healthcare and improve healthcare education. In her current administrative position, She provided leadership in the development and implementation of a campus-wide project on ethics education for health professions students. The project involved faculty and students from six schools, and led to multiple presentations and publications on interprofessional ethics education including research that was included in a NIH funded meta-analysis on ethics education. She was instrumental in the development of an acclaimed documentary on ethics and the role of nurses in Nazi Germany that has been viewed by international and national audiences. She was invited by the Palestinian Ministry of Health to provide education to nurses and physicians in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units at three hospitals. When the project began, the infant mortality rate in Gaza was 36: 1,000. At the project’s conclusion in 1999, the infant mortality rate was 12:1,000. The work involved interprofessional education with nurses, physicians, nutritionists, social workers, community health workers, and public health workers.
During her 40-yearcareer as a nurse clinician, administrator, academician, and scientist, she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to and passion for quality health care. Holding degrees from Michigan State University (BSN), Grand Valley State University (MSN) and University of Michigan (PhD), She has also been a champion for equitable and accessible health care for diverse and vulnerable populations, and the processes that would increase gender, ethnic, and racial representation in the nursing workforce. Moreover, she has been a strong advocate for interprofessional collaborative practice, whether it be in her classroom, boardroom, laboratory, or at the bedside throughout her career. The impact of her substantive research is visible in professional standards, position statements, and policies developed by several organizations and regulatory bodies. Her research has continued to influence the direction of health policy formation as the nation struggles to provide patient-centered, interprofessional quality health care amidst a significant healthcare workforce shortage. In her current position as Dean for the UW-Madison School of Nursing, she also has immediate oversight for the Center of Interprofessional Practice and Education (CIPE). Under her guidance, the Center continues to develop and implement interprofessional programming designed to promote collaborative practice. Her expertise in creating optimal learning environments has been recognized by prestigious organizations including the Josiah Macy Foundation.
After owning and directing a thriving family practice while teaching Family Medicine to all levels of learners (nursing and medicine) for 20 years, Dr. Short transitioned to a full-time career in palliative and hospice medicine. One of the draws in this significant midlife change was the interdisciplinary approach to care that palliative and hospice mandated. As the captain of the Duke soccer team in college, Dr. Short had strong roots in team-based care that both optimized outcomes and produced lasting, treasured relationships in the process. Dr. Short’s transition to palliative and hospice care has been distinguished by a commitment to interprofessional care. Even in a field where interprofessional care is expected, Dr. Short has expected more from his teams. In a posture of humility and a desire to learn, he has created cultures with horizontal hierarchy, and functional interdependence that has resulted in national recognition. His palliative program in Chicago was one of the first to accomplish advanced certification with the Joint Commission, and this process scrutinized the interprofessional component of the program. During the past 4 years, Dr. Short has immersed himself in teaching the principles of palliative care with an inter-professional perspective as an Associate professor of Palliative Medicine at the University of Virginia. A decorated and highly acclaimed teacher among learners, medical students, nursing students, nutritionists, chaplains, and social workers have sought out his instruction that emphasizes inter-professional collaboration in the delivery of health care.
Phyllis Simon, Occupational Therapy Academy Phyllis Simon graduated from Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy (OT)Program with her Master of Science in February 1989. She was hired by New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, where she was a lead member of the Dysphagia and Neurobehavioral Teams and was promoted to OT Assistant Chief. She was involved in interprofessional clinical programs and was involved in interprofessional teamwork opportunities during her tenure there. Her academic career began at Mercy College in 1997 where she taught adulthood and geriatric occupational therapy (OT) courses. Health professional programs foster interprofessional teamwork, whether it be co-teaching, lecturing or committee work. Throughout her academic career, she has maintained an active clinical practice and represented OT on interprofessional teams. Clinical practice fosters her growth as a teacher and an advanced clinician. She joined Columbia’s faculty in 2007. She teaches the geriatric curriculum, serves as a clinical education coordinator and was a member of the Division of Geriatric Medicine. Columbia opportunities have included participation in clinical programs and research grants with older adults. She has served as a co-investigator and OT consultant through departments/programs on Columbia’s medical campus. Her role in the ELINC grant funded work with LGBT elders and education for interprofessional healthcare students. She is completing her clinical doctorate (OTD) at Columbia and will be graduating in May 2020. Her work focuses on developing LGBT clinical and cultural competency training programs for occupational therapists with the intent of expanding these programs to other interprofessional healthcare providers, highlighting the need for interprofessional teamwork with this community.
Jennifer Simpson, Audiology Academy Jennifer M. Simpson is a Clinical Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)at Purdue University. She has been a clinical faculty member for 17years, providing audiology education to graduate students. Before coming to Purdue University, she worked as an audiologist at Veterans Administration Hospitals in Denver and San Francisco where she provided hearing healthcare to veterans and supervised audiology students from local universities. She has served as the Director of Clinical Education in Audiology for the last 10 years, overseeing the clinical training of the audiology students throughout the 4-year program. In this role, Dr. Simpson has taken opportunities to infuse interprofessional education and practice throughout the curriculum. For the last several years, SLHS (audiology and speech) has partnered with nursing, nutrition, physical therapy, and the IU school of Medicine to create meaningful IPE/IPP opportunities for our students. Facilitated events, including standardized patients, and intentional debriefings have been a positive innovation in our curriculum. Dr. Simpson has also taught many courses. Most recently she co-designed “Integrative Grand Rounds”, an advanced case-based online course. This course has been overwhelmingly popular and earned a nomination for a teaching award in 2019. She is an active member in professional organizations. Dr. Simpson currently serves on the Committee on Leadership Cultivation and the Governance Review Committee for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and as the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences Disorders (CAPCSD).
Nancy Smyth, Social Work Academy Nancy J. Smyth, PhD, LCSW is dean and professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. Under her leadership as dean, the University at Buffalo School of Social Work has integrated a trauma-informed and human rights perspective throughout the master’s curriculum, bringing a focus to trauma-informed care to the WNY Region, New York State, and, with the increased prominence of UB’s Social Work School (ranked in the top 10% in the nation), the nation. Dean Smyth is a Board-Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress through the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and has worked in both mental health and addiction treatment settings for over 35 years as a clinician, manager, educator, researcher and program developer. Her research, teaching, and practice has focused on trauma, substance abuse, and on working with people recovering from those experiences, including the use of innovative treatment approaches like EMDR and mindfulness meditation. Recently, she has focused her work on building new, transdisciplinary models of education and practice for social innovation in the social, health, and business sectors. Past roles include: co-investigator with PI Dr. Gerard Connors on Developing Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Application in Alcoholism Treatment (NIAAA), co-investigator with PI Dr. Christopher Barrick on Knowledge Exchange and Skills Training for Therapists (NIDA), consultant on Bessel van der Kolk’s National Institute of Mental Health-funded study of Treatment Outcomes of Fluoxetine vs EMDR in PTSD. She obtained her BA, MSW, and PhD at the University at Albany, State University of New York.
Dr. Carl Spear has over 20 years of expertise in the Eyecare industry and currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Luxottica in the US. Originally from Kentucky, Dr. Spear obtained his optometry degree at UAB’s School of Optometry and graduated with his MBA from Auburn University. He and his wife, Dr. Katie Gilbert Spear, previously owned and operated as even-location integrated optometry/ophthalmology practice in Pensacola, Florida that they sold in 2016. Dr. Spear has served as the Senior Director of Professional Services at Vision Group Holdings, where he contracted and managed a network of optometrist and ophthalmologists, has served as Director of Professional Development and Strategic Accounts at Alcon, and also previously held the position of Director of Continuing Education and Vendor Relations for Vision Source. Dr. Spear has also written, lectured and consulted with industry leaders on a variety of disease topics. He also served as an active member on the Florida Board of Optometry and was chosen as Optometrist of the Year in 2017 by the Florida Optometric Association. In addition to his successful career in eyecare, Dr. Spear currently is serving as the Commander of the 403rd ASTS at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Kristen Starnes-Ott, Nursing Academy Dr. Starnes-Ott earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology from East Carolina University, her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Auburn University, her Master’s in Nursing in nurse anesthesia from University of Southern California and her Doctor of Philosophy from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Dr. Starnes-Ott serves as Associate Dean for Academics at University of South Carolina (UofSC), College of Nursing. Prior to joining UofSC, she served in a variety of leadership roles at UTHealth Cizik School of Nursing. Dr. Starnes-Ott has extensive teaching experience in graduate programs with a specialty in nurse anesthesia education. She has served as doctoral chairs for DNP and PhD students in the areas of interprofessional practice, organizational/systems leadership and value-based care modeling. Dr. Starnes-Ott has been awarded research grants for her interprofessional focus on patient safety using simulation methodology and communication among healthcare providers, patient-centered communication and team leadership. She has also received numerous HRSA traineeship grants that have supported interprofessional educational programs. Dr. Starnes-Ott is a member of the following professional organizations: American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, American Nurses Association, National League of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Southern Nursing Research Society, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Dr. Starnes-Ott practiced as a critical care RN for 6 years before becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) for an additional 19 years.
Ruth Stonestreet, Speech-Language Pathology Academy Ruth H. Stonestreet received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Mississippi University for Women and her Doctor of Philosophy degree from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale with an emphasis on infant-toddler-preschool communication disorders and a cognate in rehabilitation administration. Her career has led her to impact the lives of children and their families in Kentucky, Mississippi, Illinois, Michigan, and Georgia in clinical, school, and higher education experiences. Dr. Stonestreet has developed and written programs and service agreement for those.
Ellen Swartwout, Nursing Academy Dr. Ellen Swartwout is the Vice President of the research arm of a healthcare technology company with accountability for the development and strategic implementation of the O’Neil Center, a National Center for Patient Engagement to advance the science of patient and family engagement. Key responsibilities include the development of a research agenda for patient engagement, the development of a care delivery model for engaging patients in their healthcare journey, working with interprofessional clinical partners as co-principal or co-investigator to collaborate on research proposals and study designs to evaluate patient engagement interventions and conduct translational research for patient and family engagement. Dr. Swartwout has been an investigator on several studies on patient engagement with interprofessional colleagues and has numerous publications and presentations on the topic. Prior to this role, Dr. Swartwout led several programs at the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)as senior director of Certification and Measurement Services and the director of the Pathway to Excellence program. Prior to ANCC, she held several clinical and administrative roles at Inova Health System with most recent being a senior leader responsible for the development, oversight and implementation of multiple nursing and interprofessional programs for the Inova Institute for Nursing Excellence. Dr. Swartwout received her PhD and Master’s degree from George Mason University and her BSN from the College of New Jersey and serves as adjunct faculty for the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Swartwout is board certified as Nurse Executive, Advanced and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
Michele Talley, Nursing Academy In my role as an Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP), I have focused on building care delivery models to address the unmet healthcare needs of patients with diabetes. Realizing the need to bridge gaps by developing and implementing evidence-based protocols, I have leveraged resources available on an academic campus to create replicable protocols to assist other providers. A needs assessment within our community revealed that uninsured patients with diabetes were high utilizers of emergency visits due to various barriers to care. As a result, the Providing Access to Healthcare Clinic, a nurse-led interprofessional clinic, was established to provide access to care for these uninsured patients. Under my leadership as lead NP and clinical director, the clinic has been successful in providing transitional care to over 2,100 uninsured patients with diabetes with 25,000 clinic visitsfrom2011-2018.To ensure quality care, I developed insulin protocols for use by our interprofessional team of nurse practitioners, physicians, certified diabetes educators, and/or dietitians. Under my leadership, hemoglobin A1cs dropped an average of 2.28% equivalent to a 20% decrease when comparing thehemoglobinA1c from the time of patient referral to the most recent visit (Talley et al., 2018). Additionally, the clinic achieved high patient and provider satisfaction scores (all indicators score>4.6 on a 5-point scale) and a cost savings of over$2 million annually. The impact of my clinical practice can also be seen by my ability to integrate practice with scholarship, evidenced by clinical practice awards, publications, and presentations.
Shelene Thomas, Physical Therapy Academy Shelene Thomas, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Regis University whose main role is mentoring the Clinical Instructor and student through Clinical Education. She also assists in the foundational course, PT Exam and the problem-based application course series, Professional Issues. As a PT who works in the home health section and has done so for over a decade, improving the connection between a variety of professionals is her passion, which plays out in her research, and leadership as Chair of the IPE Committee at Regis and as Director at Large with National Interprofessional Education Consortium, NIPEC. Shelene became APTA board certified Specialist in Geriatrics in May of 2015 and is a member of APTA, where she is engaged in the Home Health, Geriatrics and Education Sections. She assists the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) by being an on-site reviewer and continues to practice physical therapy with Visiting Nurses Association of Denver. She enjoys volunteering locally at Longmont Humane Society with her two young boys as well as provides service at the 9 Health Fair, Project Homeless Connect and raising service puppies for Canine Companions for Independence.
Laural Traylor, Social Work Academy Ms. Traylor is a macro social worker with career focus on healthcare disparities, equity, interventions, resources and policies that impact older adults, their families and caregiversin VA and the community. In her current role she is national program manager for Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA) in OAA’s Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education (CoEPCE). OAA is the largest education and training effort for new health professionals in the U.S. The CoEPCE is a national QI initiative within VA’s version of medical home and has emphasis on advancing diverse interprofessional clinical faculty teams to develop progressive, next generation IP healthcare professionals and curriculum for the clinical workplace in VA and its communities. Ms. Traylor additionally served in national/regional leadership roles in geriatrics and geriatric education, primary care and integration, women’s health, palliative care, telehealth, care coordination, family caregiving services, and as consultant in rural health and Integrated Ethics. Ms. Traylor has worked nationally on VA’s caregiver initiatives and legislation after developing one of the first VA Caregiving Programs in the United States. Ms. Traylor’s current role includes consultant to the national Deputy Chief Patient Care Services officer for VA’s office of Care Management and Social Work for Caregiving support initiatives. Ms. Traylor taught public policy coursework at California State University, Long Beach to graduate and undergraduate social work students. Ms. Traylor was recently selected as a fellow for the prestigious Health and Aging Policy Fellowship Program 2019-2020.
Wendy Ward, Psychology Academy Wendy L. Ward, Ph.D., ABPP, FAPA is a Professor and Director of Interprofessional Faculty Development at UAMS. She received her doctoral degree in 1996 followed by a residency at Rush-St Luke’s-Presbyterian Medical Center in Chicago and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at UAMS. She provides faculty development offerings across the five UAMS Colleges and the Graduate School on topics related to interprofessional collaboration such as how to build core competency skill domains for integrated, collaborative clinical care and how to teach interprofessional learners to build these skills. Further, she coordinates an integrated behavioral health service for a large children’s hospital, and psychology services integrated within 38pediatric subspecialty clinics and the inpatient setting. She also serves her institution as Associate Director of the Interprofessional Faculty Wellness program, which provides prevention, early intervention, and intervention services as well as advises policy development and procedural guidelines with the health care professional experience in mind. Dr. Ward currently chairs a team of 33faculty to design, deliver, and implement faculty development programming that 1) supports the development of a bank of over 100 trained IPE facilitators that support the UAMS IPE Student Curriculum, 2) provides live team assessments and consultations to improve collaborative practice in the existing workforce, and 3) designs and implements events to meet shared professional development needs across all 1500 UAMS faculty such as professional wellness, team-based quality improvement, leadership skill development, etc. Dr. Ward is an American Psychological Association Fellow, has received the UAMS DOP Educator of the Year three times (qualifying her for Educator Emeritus), and is a UAMS IPE Master Facilitator. She has received the UAMS Outstanding Woman Faculty of the Year (2017), Phenomenal Woman award (2016), and thrice nominated for Mentor of the Year. She was awarded three Educational Excellence Awards from the Dean of the UAMS College of Medicine and received the UAMS Chancellor’s Teaching Award in Teaching Excellence in Society and Health for her faculty development efforts.
Michael White, Medicine Academy Michael White, MD, currently serves as the Chief Academic Officer at CHI Health, a non-profit, faith-based health system headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. Created in 2014 through the merger between Alegent Creighton Health and CHI Nebraska, CHI Health is comprised of 15 acute care hospitals, 4 behavioral health facilities, 2 specialty hospitals, and over 120 clinics. CHI Health is comprised of over 11,000 employees in Nebraska and southwestern Iowa. CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center–Bergan Mercy is one of the region’s premier academic medical centers and one of the largest health care providers in Nebraska. CHI Health is a member of Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI), which is a large not-for-profit integrated delivery network with 101 hospitals and 90,000 employees in 18 states. In his current role as Chief Academic Officer, Dr. White serves as a liaison between Creighton University and the CHI Health system. Dr. White has held this role since 2015. He also serves on the steering committee that oversees the development of the new CHI Health Academic Health System. Since 2018, Dr. White has also served as Interim Executive Medical Director at the CHI Health Heart Institute. Dr. White has also held the role of Associate Dean for Education Innovation at Creighton University School of Medicine since 2015. He continually identifies opportunities to enhance the learning environment for healthcare clinicians of the future. The School of Medicine opened over 125 years ago and has 5,200 alumni practicing medicine in all 50 states and 9 countries. Creighton University School of Medicine has two regional campuses: one in Omaha and one in Phoenix, Arizona at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center. Dr. White is also an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology. Dr. White joined the faculty of Creighton University School of Medicine in 2008 as an Assistant Professor of Medicine, and he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014. Dr. White was promoted to Associate Dean for Medical Education in 2013 and held that role until 2015. In this prior Associate Dean role, Dr. White oversaw the curriculum for all four years of undergraduate medical student education. Dr. White is a practicing interventional cardiologist. He is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and interventional cardiology. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Creighton University. Dr. White received his medical degree from the Creighton University School of Medicine, where he also completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in cardiovascular disease. He completed a fellowship in interventional cardiology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Dr. White recently earned his MBA degree from Creighton University in 2019.
Phyllis Whitehead, Nursing Academy Dr. Phyllis Whitehead is a clinical nurse specialist with the Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Service and Assistant Professor at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. She is a clinical ethics consultant and initiated the Moral Distress Consult Service at CRMH. She is certified in pain management and as an advanced practice hospice and palliative care nurse. Dr. Whitehead has done numerous presentations on pain and symptom management, opioid induced sedation, moral distress, and patients’ end of life preferences locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Her research interests include moral distress and improving communication with seriously ill patients. She has been a co-lead of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS)Pain Task Force and the Access to Care Workgroup and recently appointed as co-lead of the Virginia Action Coalition. She was a member of the ANA Moral Resilience Advisory Committee. She is a founding member and officer of the Virginia Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists and currently serves as treasurer. She was appointed to serve on Governor Ralph Northam’s Policy Council on Opioid and Substance Abuse in 2018. She is a graduate of Radford University where she earned her BSN and MSN and earned her doctorate degree at Virginia Tech.
Connie White-Williams, Nursing Academy I began my 35-yearnursing career at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing (SON)where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). That solid foundation prepared me for the next milestone in my career—a move to Birmingham and a Cardiothoracic Transplant Coordinator position at UAB Hospital (UABH). Over the next 25 years, it was in this position that I would advance my education (MSN, FNP, and PhD), gain leadership experience, begin my research and teaching career, and become an internationally known expert in heart failure and cardiothoracic transplantation. This experience secured my being inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in 2006. I currently hold a Joint Appointment as an Assistant professor with UAB SON and UAB Hospital. In 2009, I took a position in the Center for Nursing Excellence (CNE). At the time, it was a newly created department in need of growth and development. In three years, I implemented a Nurse Mentorship program, built a sustainable Evidence-Based Practice Program, and participated in the UAB Nursing Partnership with lead to my interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) work. In 2013, I was named Director of the CNE, and in 2017, was promoted to Senior Director. In July 2017, after 3 years as the Clinical Practice Partner with Dr. Maria Shirey on a HRSA interprofessional grant, I assumed administrative responsibility for the Heart Failure Transitional Care Services for Adults clinic where we emphasize IPCP and education as well as continue to achieve superior patient and financial outcomes.
Deanna Willis, Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine Academy Dr. Willis is a Professor of Family Medicine. She received her medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a Master of Business Administration at Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Dr. Willis is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Practice, and she has completed the Institute for Healthcare Improvement year-long Improvement Advisor program, which prepares health care professionals to lead performance improvement efforts in complex healthcare environments. By building quality initiatives, framework and strategy over the years, she has developed a practical approach to educating medical students, residents, and practicing physicians about performance improvement in their practices. As previous Statewide Competency Director for the Social and Community Context of Healthcare for all nine campuses of Indiana University School of Medicine, she directed the competency curriculum related to cultural competency and quality improvement. As a result of this expertise, she was appointed to and served on the national American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on Education. She has also served as the previous President of the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians, and the Chair of the Commission on Finance and Insurance for the American Academy of Family Physicians. She served as Chief Medical Officer of Quality and Medical Management for Indiana University Medical Group-Primary Care from 2001-2012 where she facilitated achievement of Level 3 National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient Centered Medical Home and Diabetes Recognition Program recognition for all of the commercial practices. From 2013-2016, she was Transformation Officer/Senior Medical Director of Quality Improvement for IU Health Physicians, where she led the Lean transformation of IUHP’s 200 physician practices and 6 value streams. Nationally, she co-chairs the American Medical Associations Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement’s (PCPI) Preventative Care Technical Expert Panel, serves on the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) Wellness and Geriatric Expert Work Group, and the National Board of Medical Examiners Computer Simulation Committee. Currently, she is medical director of the IU-Methodist Family Medicine Residency’s Family Medicine Center and Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Family Medicine. She is recognized for her work in Quality Improvement nationally and internationally, with recent speaking and consulting engagements in the Middle East, China and Europe.
Tonja M. Woods is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy. She currently serves as Associate Dean of Students and has previously served as Associate Dean of Faculty, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and recently served a three-year term as Associate Dean of Students for the College of Health Sciences at the University. Dr. Woods is also the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Ivinson Medical Group, a multi-specialty clinic where she provides comprehensive chronic disease and drug therapy management services under Collaborative Practice Agreement. She has led the way for progressive ambulatory pharmacy practice in her State by developing outpatient pharmacy collaborative services at multiple sites. Additionally, her work has been pivotal in launching interdisciplinary clinical training in the specialty area of geriatrics in several states through her Project ECHO and Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)involvement. Dr. Woods served for ten years on the State of Wyoming Medicaid Pharmacy & Therapeutics Board, served as state President for Wyoming Society for Health-Systems Pharmacy, and is a 2014 Academic Leadership Fellow with the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Other achievements include board certification in geriatrics (BCGP), multiple teaching awards, the National Association of State Pharmacy Association’s Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award, Wyoming Pharmacist of the Year, and the Bowl of Hygeia Award. She is actively engaged in the American Geriatrics Society, American Society for Health-Systems Pharmacy, American Society for Consultant Pharmacists, and the American Academy of Colleges of Pharmacy.
Amy Yorke, Physical Therapy Academy Amy Yorke, PT, PhD is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of Community Engagement at the University of Michigan-Flint, College of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy. Dr. Yorke is board-certified in neurologic physical therapy, and her teaching responsibilities in the entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy program include physical therapy examination and management of adults with neurological diseases and disorders. In her administrative role, she oversees PT Heart, a student-led pro-bono clinic that provides physical therapy services to adults in the Flint, Michigan area. She has more than 25 years of clinical experience working in a variety of interprofessional settings, including acute care, outpatient, and home care. Dr. Yorke serves as a University of Michigan Interprofessional Leadership Fellow (2017), is a TeamSTEPPS® Master Trainer (April 2017), and completed T3 Train-The-Trainer (T3) Faculty Development Training Program at the University of Washington (August 2017). She is a member of three interprofessional educational teams at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor and Flint) that has executed over10 interprofessional educational experiences for over 500 students. Her work as an IPE team member has been presented at local, regional, and international platforms and includes three peer-reviewed publications. The teams have been successful in securing internal grant funding through University of Michigan (Ann Arbor and Flint) as well as through external private organizations. Dr. Yorke’s research interests include interprofessional education, interprofessional collaborative practice, and knowledge translation in neurological rehabilitation. |